Sunday, October 31, 2010

10/31/2010 (Sun) - Happy Halloween!!

Can you tell it was another not do much day.
I do have to mention that out of all the holidays Halloween is my least favorite.  I mean I really do not care for it at all.  I think it is because for all the years I worked in the school system every Halloween the kids were just beyond themselves.  They were flying high with all that sugar in them and it was almost impossible to keep them quiet.  After living thru about 20 years of that, I finally decided that I would take my personal day, the day after Halloween just to avoid that.  Sissy wasn't I.  So here goes..

A little information on the origin of Halloween. 
Halloween was first celebrated over 2,000 years ago by the Celtic people, but it was not called Halloween it was called Samhain.
The Samhain festival (Halloween festival) was observed as the New Year for the Celtic People, because their calendars started on November 1st.
The Celtic people celebrated the fall harvest and the coming of winter with huge bonfires. They also wore animal skins and heads during the Samhain bonfires, which is where the Halloween tradition of costumes more than likely originated.  That's it for Halloween.

I am beyond pleased to put this web site on my blog.  It is from The Morning Sun Newspaper in Alma, MI.  They have an article in there about Jim's daughter, Kate.  She is a highland dancer and there is a video of her dancing.   

We did go to the hot tub for about an hour tonight.  Was almost to warm in there but it was nice.  Nice night tonight.  I know all those of you in the cooler climate might not appreciate us walking to the hot tub with just our bathing suits on at 9:00pm in the evening but someone has to do it.

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