Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10/27/2010 (Wed) - Dancing on a Wed.

Today the day started out with the usual things like cleaning, scrubbing and ironing.  You know exciting stuff.  Jim is still busy working on a web site for a friend.  He has purchased a new program that is pretty sophisticated and is working his way thru that.  It's way beyond anything I can do but he loves those kinds of challenges.  The site is really coming together and looks, in my opinion, amazing.

Actually we've hardly left the 5th wheel today, not because it's to hot, but we just did not.  We did run to the drug store but that was it.

Tonight we went with friends to a place called AZ Country ABC because we had heard they gave dance lessons.   We really did not have any high hopes of this being much of anything.

Outside of AZ Country USA

What a hoot!  We, along with about 75 other people, learned what is called the shuffle.  We had so much fun and laughed and laughed.
Dance instructor with the white hat on.
The floor was packed and everyone was having such a great time.  I think this place is going to be packed all the time.  They give an hour dance lesson on Wed. and Sat.  The cost is $1.00pp and if you pay $7.00 the entire evening is free - like in the drinks are free.  Mixed, soda, or beer is all free and you can have as much as you like.....well that is if you are not the designated driver.

Jim and I doing the shuffle.
We were at a table with other Sun Life people, well actually it was three tables pushed together.  Was tons of fun.  Are we going again next week - that would be a yes.  And we are bringing more people the next time.  My feet hurt tonight think maybe it's from to much shuffling?  Don't say're thinking what's the big deal all older people shuffle.

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