Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/12/2010 (Tue) - Salad Luncheon Day

Today's salad luncheon was outstanding.  Since the park is not loaded with people we were able to sit and chat with a number of new people.  Oh wait a minute we are the new people they were the ones who were chatting with the new people.
The park furnished the salad greens and the dressings. Everyone who attended brought something to put on those salad greens.  You can't imagine the different items that were available to top off that salad.  We also were given rolls and our choice of lemonade or iced tea.  All this for just bringing one topping for the salad.  They have a Salad Luncheon once a month. 

This was but a few of what arrived.

My salad bowl and it was a large bowl.  Really good.

Sarah (The dancing gal) asked Pam and I if we would help her with some decorating.  I have to tell you that after helping her decorate, in her eyes we are now experts....and actually we knew nothing.  The only thing I knew was that arrangements must flow like a wave.  We did the entrance into the main activity complex.  In doing this we were all over the Activity Hall as that is where everything is stored.   I was behind the stage, along side the stage and even in front of the stage.  Sarah said we could get free tickets to the Octoberfest but we already have those  so could not use another set.  I'm sure she will want us to help again as she was so pleased with what we did....or maybe she just acted like it....hummm.  Nah she liked it.
Our display at the entrance to the Activity Complex
And you thought I was decorating impaired....admit it, you did, didn't you?

Walking back from my volunteer job I noticed that some of the cactus is starting to blossom so I snapped a few pics of those.  This landscape really appeals to me.  I think it's because everything is so neat and orderly.

Toothpick anyone

Like the structure of this cactus

This is a fruit you can eat - it's deep red inside

Blossoms are starting to bloom

Going to be beautiful when they are all bloomed.

Another day draws to an end in beautiful Mesa.  The weather during the day is very nice and the evenings are cool.  Now that is about as good as you can have it.  Just got a call from friends Mel and Joanna to tell us they will be here late on Thursday.  I told them we are going to a steak fry at five, her reply was, "We'll be there in time."  Til later..

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