Monday, October 25, 2010

10/25/2010 (Mon) - I Did It! I Did It!

Yes I did -- I did it!!  Can you see my feet doing the happy dance....

Ever since Jim and I have been Rving, we have been using Jim's huge 350 Ford truck with duel wheels on the back to transport the 5th wheel.  Well guess what?  I drove the big truck today. Me - I did it!! Oh you say, 'sooo that's not such a big deal.'  Well for me it's huge.  That truck is like riding in a semi truck and it's scary.  It's way large and it takes up more than it's share of the road.  Today I drove it to the strip mall which was 1.9 miles away from the Resort.  I had to make sure I could get it around all the corners and I even parked it.  Well okay so I parked a long way from where I shopped but none the less I did it. Jim said I did a wonderful job.  However, I did notice he had the seat belt on tighter than normal.

So to celebrate my driving, I shopped!  Jim stayed in the truck and read. I'm thinking it was more to calm him down than anything.   After my shopping I took Jim out to lunch.  Well to be more exacting I drove to the Red Mountain Grill and we had lunch.  I was going to buy lunch but Jim said, "Do you want me to get this?"  so I said, "Sure that would be nice."

Beginner's line dancing started today so I was up and at it by nine this morning.  Had to learn a bit more before the Monday happy hour time as they do a lot of line dancing during that time.

On every Monday they have a park wide happy hour at the pool area.  So today being Monday a happy hour time was on the schedule.  It seems to me that most of those attending were a lot happier this week than last week.  We had no free snacks this week but they did have munchies to buy along with drinks.
The band was much better than last week too. 

Just before six we left as we had to have dinner because also on Monday's is the game called Hand and Foot.  It's no wonder I am tired most of the time.  It's go go go all day long.  We lost one and won one.  There were just four of us gals tonight and it went much faster.  Fun game to play.

So my friends that's it for tonight.  No pics today.

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