Thursday, October 7, 2010

10/06/2010 (Wed) - Ice Cream Social Day

Twice a month here at Sun Life at 1:30pm they have what they call an Ice Cream Social.  For $1.65 you can have either a root beer float or a dish of ice cream with your choice of toppings.  Now it doesn't end there as they also furnish entertainment while you are there.  Today was a singer by the name of Ron Jones and he was excellent.  People even got up to dance!  Imagine that at 1:30 in the afternoon.  You are right only the most senior of seniors would do that.  The 'dancing couple' were not there, well Don was but Sarah had to do some floral arrangements so she was gone.  We stayed for a bit but then left and came back home.  Not many were at the ice cream social as the park is still pretty empty but they tell us not for long.

Other than visiting Walmart yet again to return a defective throw rug we did not do all that much.  Well we really don't do all that much all the time but now that we are settled in here we really are into that not do much routine.

Jim did take me to a place called The Broadway Palm Theater so I could buy dinner and play tickets for this Saturday, Oct. 9th.  Notice I said 'I could buy' that is because this is Jim's birthday present from me.  He never wants anything so this will be his birthday celebration gift.  The play is called, Sugar, and hopefully should be good.  We have gone here  before and enjoyed not only the dinner but the quaintness of the theater. 

The weather has finally gotten better it was in the 60's in the morning and only got up to 90 so that's good.

Tomorrow I am going with my friend Pam to pick up tickets for two plays that take place in the Univ of AZ Theater.  One is Hair and the other is The Grinch who Stole Christmas.   We will be going with Pam and Bill from Illinois and also friends Mel and Joanna from Canada. 

Must also mention my son was honored for being at his place of employment for 15 years and there was a nice writeup in the Grand Haven Tribune with his picture. Yup I'm proud of that kid.
How Cool is This

 So this is it for today still no pics.

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