Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/05/2010 (Tue) - Storms and More Storms

How can it be so hot one day that you can't breath and the next day have it hail and rain so hard it sounds like the earth is splitting.  Today was hail day...and we also got the rain.  Just when I thought it had stopped it started up again.  I don't recall it ever raining while we have been in AZ before.

We did venture out to a place called Superstition Market.  This is not your run of the mill market that has stalls and that sort of stuff.  This is a building that has a huge turnover of fruits and vegetables.  I think and am pretty sure they are mostly seconds but deals can be had here.  We tell ourselves it's only two blocks away so don't do overkill, and of course we do.  Today we purchased a basket almost full of things and the total cost was $27.00.   You would be shocked at all the stuff we got.  They had strawberries in those one pound containers 3 for a $1.00.  Least expensive I've seem them before was $1.00 a box.  Gosh we got 2 melons, 3 tomatoes, 1 head of cabbage, 1 head of lettuce, 1 head of cauliflower, 1 head of broccoli, 1 bundle of radishes, 2 green peppers, 2 red peppers, half pound of snap peas, 2 pounds of lentils, 1 loaf of bread, 2 grapefruits, 2 pounds of carrots, 1 pound of cheese, 1 bunch of celery, 2 cucumbers, 8 plums, 3 containers of strawberries, and 5 pounds of potatoes.  Most likely got more stuff but I can't remember now.  We loaded it into the truck and came back to see if we could fit it all in the fridge.  We could.   It is common to see long lines of people checking out.  I mean from the front of the store wound around isles to the back of the store.  They have about 8 checkout lanes and the people move pretty well along.  It is major busy all the time and everyone knows of this place.  If you see a cart out in the parking lot you take it because there will be none available inside they will all be used up.

So we left again to do grocery shopping and bought yet more things.  We are fairly well stocked up for now.  And we did manage to fit everything in the fridge that needed to be there. 

Didn't do much else today but I did manage to finish a book I was reading.  I never really like to finish one as then I know I will have to start all over with a new one and it will take time to get into the new one.  But I will.  Did not take any pics today.  Actually did not leave the 5th wheel all that much because of the heavy rain.

Tomorrow might be a better day.

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