Monday, October 18, 2010

10/17/2010 (Sun) - Dinner with Family

Today after church Jim and I got our stuff together, hopped into the truck, and headed north because that is where Jim's daughter and family lived.     I said lived but actually should have said lives because they are busy getting things in order as they are moving.  The house looks great and they still want to do more to it before they put it up for sale.  Jim's son-in-law has been promoted but is being transferred so they will be leaving soon for Houston, TX.  It's a very good thing we only made arrangements to stay in the Phoenix area until Jan. 2nd as both of Jim's kids have been transferred.  His son is now living in Tacoma, WA and now his daughter and family will be near Houston, TX.  So it's goodbye Arizona for us, as we will not be returning.

We had a really wonderful time catching up and just visiting.  Jim's daughter looks just fantastic.  You could just see the proud dad look on Jim's face.  Jim's grandson who is almost eight just started taking piano lessons and is doing quite well.  He played a few songs for us - cute.  Hope he keeps it up.  We are going to a few of his flag football games with the first one being this Sat.  I've never been to flag football so this should be neat to see.  It did not take long at all to get back as it's only about 35 miles from us and on Sunday night the traffic was not bad at all.

So this is it til later.

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