Saturday, October 30, 2010

10-29-2010 (Fri) - Bye Bye Birdie (the play)

I was so tired from my fast pace of life, I just sort of took the day off.  Visited a friend for a bit but mostly just laid low and I actually took a nap.  Do you think that is a sign I'm getting old....don't answer that.

Tonight was the night for the play, Bye Bye Birdie, and what a marvelous performance.  

Entrance into the Mesa Encore Theater

Thru out the Center for the Arts you would find this overhead. 
Hard to get good shots at night but it was so pretty with all those trees and the overhead canvas.

When we arrived at the Mesa Center for the Arts there were very few people there and I actually wondered if we were at the wrong place.  You could have shot a cannon down the street and not have hit anyone.  But by 7:30pm the theater was filled. 

The Play
The Mesa Encore Theater is a small theater with local talent and the play was so very well done.  I just love those small intimate little theaters.  This one only had perhaps 250 seats and most all were filled.  One of the main character's mother was just beyond hilarious. Every time she came out we were all laughing. She did just a great job.  The Mayor's wife was equally as funny.

Just in front of us was a little girl who was maybe three and she kept looking at Jim and I.  I knew why.  We were eating Skittles.  Jim whispered to me, "Why don't you ask her mother if she can have some."  I did and the answer was yes.  It was so cute watching her eat those skittles as she would eat one color at a time and only eat one at a time.  Kids, you just gotta love em.
I'm beginning to think that maybe the reason I like plays so much, is because I can sit and just be a spectator and not have to do a thing.

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