Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/2010 (Mon) - Girls Outing

Today's heading most likely should have said Older Ladies Outing.  Today Pam, Joanna, and I went to the movies as our outing.  Saw the film Life as We Know It.  Cute cute film and one most anyone except men would love.  Yes we even had popcorn and we did not have to share it with anyone.  We then went to the 99 cent store to pick up a few things.  I spent all of $2.00.  Also went to the market and I spent even less there so my outing this afternoon was comparatively inexpensive.  Most of the time being old is a pain - but occasionally it pays off and today it did.  Being a senior means discounts!!!

This cell tower is dressed in palm leaves so it is not such an eye sore.  Great idea I think.

You'll see lots of these signs advertising casinos.

We got back around four, and low and behold between four and six the pool side had a happy hour with live music no less.  We went.  There still are not many people in the park but I was amazed at how many showed up for this 'free' happy hour.  They had a band playing dance music and munchies to eat.  Gosh they had chicken wings, sausage and kraut, deep fried cheese sticks, potatoes, and chips and salsa.  The drinks you had to buy or bring our own, which we did.

Outdoor drink and munchie bar

Happy Hour at the pool

Friends Sarah and Don dancing.

No sooner got back from happy hour when we went to visit Mel and Joanna to ask them if they wanted to take a little sightseeing trip on Friday.  While there Pam came over and the two of us went off to play a game called "hand and foot."  Was fun and of course I lost.  Did get to meet some nice people tho and we for sure are going next week.  Only hard thing was that it lasted for three hourse.  Long time to play cards, well at least for me. 

So once again life in Mesa is a busy one but today I do have to add another word and that would be it was a 'fun' day also.

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