Saturday, October 2, 2010

10/02/2010 (Sat) - How Hot Can Home Again Be

We left Lake Havasu around nine this morning and just took our time getting back to Mesa.  Well to be honest neither of us was in a hurry because we knew that Mesa's high was going to be 106 degrees and that is a bit too warm.

Thru a friend, we had heard of this unique place way off the main road just a bit before the town of Parker.  It is called The Nellie E Saloon.  Another name for it is The Desert Bar and for good reason.  This little, not much better than a two track, road goes on for five miles before you arrive at the Nellie E.  The road goes around mountains, thru brush, up hills, down into washed out areas, you name it you go there.  This is all a one way road so whenever you meet someone, one of you must find a way to move over as much as possible.  Once we arrived we found out a man by the name of Ken built the whole place, and on Saturday and Sunday. he has it open.  It has no power other than solar power so everything is operated by that.  They have live music from high noon until dusk.  I would not want to be there at dusk and have to drive back down that road.  No sir not me.  So anyway we stayed there for a bit and left so we could drive down that scary road again.  If you want to know more go to it's pretty cool there.

This kind of thing was commonplace

A Car that Went over the ridge

Old Time Fire Engine

One of the Outdoor Entertainment Centers

Bridge that takes you over a valley into the Saloon

Outdoor Bar
We arrived back in Mesa, hopped out of the truck, opened the 5th wheel door, and about fainted.  It not only was 106 outside, it was 106 inside too.  Seriously! We had shut off the air conditioner when we left and never gave it a thought that it would be that hot inside.   The AC ran for a long time before it was able to cool this place down.

We decided to make a run to 'Walmart' to get a few things while it cooled down.  On the way back we noticed how strange the sky looked and sure enough before long the wind started to blow like crazy and we thought a huge storm was on the way.  We just heard that it is a dust storm no wonder the sky looked so strange.  I've never been in a dust storm with winds blowing 50mph.

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