Sunday, October 24, 2010

10/24/2010 (Sun) - Pizza Grillin Night

I love pizza! But I could not imagine what a pizza on the grill would look like, let alone taste like. So when friends Pam and Bill invited us over I said, 'hummm sure that would be wonderful.' All the while thinking what have I got us into. I could just see all that pizza sauce running red all over the grill with the cheese making it's yellow trail right behind it. My imagination went wild! I imagined small bits of sausage sliding running right over the peperoni. Would they be flipping the pizza that would not work. I finally gave up and just decided what will be will be. So at the appropriate time we arrived with our dessert in hand. All I can say is wow were we pleased. We started with blank pizza crusts that we put on a plate.

We had lots of pizza topping to choose from.

The tomato sauce was added, then came the sausage.

Then came the peperoni, onions, black olives, peppers, spices, and cheese to top it all off.  It looked just like a pizza. 

One nice looking pizza
We slide them onto a cold Weber grill. 

Hummm Yummy!!
Bill lit the grills and in no time at all we had pipping hot pizza.  They were great.  He said the trick is to not have the grill hot before setting the crust on as it will burn and the other things will not even be hot.  We're going to do this again you can count on that.

Now about yesterday:

Friends Sarah and Don, invited me to a Body Shape Seminar.  (Adio Life Center Clinic)  It was very interesting and I 'think' I did pick up a few pointers.  One being don't eat anything with sugar close to bedtime, duh as if I ever do that --- well okay okay so I do.  I've been known to eat sweet rolls before bedtime.  For people who can't sleep thru the night this could be a major player.  We were told while in deep sleep at night is when the fat burning takes place.  I was going to raise my hand and ask if we should take Rolaids before bedtime.  You know the fire in the belly thing.  So anyway if you eat all that sugar you won't be able to sleep well.  Then you won't be able to go into the deep sleep mode thus not burning that fat.  I could almost hear that fat sizzling.  So last night what do you think I wanted to eat before I went to bed?  Well yah ice cream of course, but I didn't.  Didn't sleep well either so no fat burning took place last night.  I'll try it again tonight and see if I sleep better.  I think I was seeing that not eaten ice cream all night.

Jim and I did the grocery thing and watched football games most of yesterday.  Even tho I am a Michigan fan, I am proud of Michigan State as they are just outstanding this year. 
At 6:30pm the six of us met at the activity center and played the game Hand and Foot for a looong time.  We each brought snacks to munch on.  We had brought veggies and dip, but the most sought after snack was chocolate covered turtles, hot tamales, and the sugar coated jelly life savers.  Did not stand a chance at not eating sweets last night.  Bill and I won again.  Bet they won't let us be partners anymore.

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