Friday, October 15, 2010

10/15/2010 (Fri) - Guitars and Cars

Remember I was telling you one of my life skills was flexibility.  It seems flexibility has left the life skill department and become a way of life department.  Today we received word that Mel and Joanna would not be arriving today as their motorcoach had a problem.  It is fixed but they will be in tomorrow.  Jim has been marinating the pork chops all day and they will be marinating all day tomorrow too.  Good thing we did not do anything else as dinner has been moved to Sat.

After cleaning the house, and ironing, I sat outside for quite a long time reading.  I am having a hard time staying in the rig with the windows all closed up, it's way to dark for me.  Pam and Bill came by and asked if I wanted to go to the 99 cent store.  Sure I told them, not even knowing what a 99 cent store was.  That store is fantastic.  They have groceries, vegetables, fruit, and tons of other things most people don't need but buy anyway.  Everything was 99 cents or less.  I spent $25.00 on things I did not what a store! 

When we came back I found out that Tempe's Center for the Arts was having this 'Guitars and Cars' show and it was free.  So knowing Jim liked guitars and Bill liked cars we decided to go.  Not a bad place at all.  Not a lot there but it was nice to see this facility as it's really nice. 

Tempe Center for the Arts

Inside the Center

A few bikes on display

Totally Redone Truck

Hot Wheels Guitar

Good Looking Guitar

Once out of there we drove thru the town of Tempe and then onto Mesa back to Sun Life.  On the way Pam got a phone call from Mesa Regal telling her they want her to be one of the 'country store' sellers.  The first one is Nov. 5th.  She was so pleased as she really worked hard to get this commitment from them.  I casually mentioned to her, "Pam, aren't you flying home on Nov. 4th."  She about died so it looks like Bill and I are going to do that show.  Do I know anything about the product she sells - no.  But Bill and I will do our best for her.

We asked Don and Sarah if they wanted to go to this Chinese Restaurant with the four of us and they were happy to tag along.  It's not pork chops as we expected tonight but it will still be nice.  We had just a huge dinner as you always do when you eat buffet style.

Came home only to find that Mel and Joanna had just arrived.  They both look beat and tired but also happy to be here.  I know we all are sure happy to have them here.   So once Mel parked the coach we all went to the hot tub to sit and chat.  Nice night. 

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