Monday, October 4, 2010

10/04/2010 (Mon) - Friends Here

Today was really a nice weather day, not to hot at all.  Actually the weather was a bit strange today as the sky would get dark, we would have a little rain, it would clear up, the sun would come out and it would start all over again.  Did this about five different times.  It's a pleasant 78 degrees now. 

Jim was busy fixing the spot for the new TV.  He has it on one of those hinges and has the extra space all filled in.  I have the 5th wheel cleaned.  Just have a little laundry to do and then it's relax time.

We went to Home Depot early so Jim could get the lumber he needed.  Actually it has taken four trips to Home Depot but it is finished now. 

Our friends Pam and Bill arrived with a car loaded with stuff and somehow they have it all in their 5th wheel now.  I can't imagine how they can put that much stuff in there but they have.  Great people.  We celebrated their arrival by going for pizza at a place called Red, White, and Brew.  We had Chicago Pizza and was it fantastic.  Going there again sometime soon.

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