Saturday, October 16, 2010

10/16/2010 (Sat) - Cook Out

A lady a few units down stopped to tell me that a grocery store called 'Fresh and Easy' was going out of business and things were 50% off.  So Pam, Joanna, and I went shopping for more stuff we really did not need.  They did have some bargains and I did purchase things we will use but did not need now.  So now it's going to be even longer until we need those items.  Biggest savings I found was my Hot Tamales (candy) and they were 75 cents a box.  Usually they run about a dollar or more so I got three boxes of them. 

Easy restful day today and I even took  a nap.  Think I was more bored than tired.  Actually with the high temps outside it does wear on a person. 

Around six tonight we all gathered at Pam and Bill's for our cookout.  Food was beyond excellent.  We each contributed something so the work load was not difficult.  We ate until we were stuffed and then some.  We did manage to play two games Farkel.  This is a dice game where you use six dice.   Neat game and one we all play often.  Most of the time I loose and loose really badly.  First game tonight I won hands down.  Second game I Farkeled seven times in a row and was score less.  Once I started to accumulate a score I ended up winning that game also.   Very easy game that takes no talent at all to play.  It's a game of chance.  Other than that we did not do much at all.

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