Friday, October 29, 2010

10/28/2010 (Thur) - Partying down Halloween

I bet you think all we do is go from one party event to another.  Hummm never thought about it but maybe you are right!  Well tonight was no exception.  Party again tonight.  The Activity Hall was decorated to the hilt and look fabulous as usual.  Those decoration people really do a good job.

There they were working like mad decorating and there I was doing my line dancing.  This advanced class is about to do me in.  They are really good and I am really in need of more practice.  But after dancing last night and line dancing today, I decided to take a nap so I could be ready to dance tonight.

The Halloween party was wonderful. The decorations were just amazing and how they can think of such unique things to do is beyond me.   We did not help with this event.
Arrangement as you enter the Activity Hall

Activity Hall decorated for Halloween

The music was by Tom Chesnut Entertainment and he was just excellent too.  In fact I asked him if they ever went to Florida.  People there would love him.  So about half of the people were dressed up and the other half were like us, not dressed in a costume.  Well Jim did have his cowboy boots and cowboy hat on.  They had prizes for the best dressed.  There was this darling older couple that was all dressed up and they were so darn cute.  They got a prize and everyone just yelled their support when they did.  I think they are a much loved couple.

Aren't they cute!

Wouldn't you love to have parents that really lived life to the fullest like these folks do.  She handed me a handful of candy and whispered, "I don't do tricks, I only do treats."  Now how cute is that.

What!!  Mickey is with 'Miss bowling ball.'  I'm telling Minnie!

Our very own sumo wrestler - Mickey better watch out...

Great dancers and new friends.
Can you tell we had a great time.  Yes we danced and danced.  My feet are even more tired than they were after line dancing.  Good thing is, we won't be dancing until at least Wednesday evening.  Pam and Bill are already planning our  'Wednesday Evening Outing' with the 25 cent drinks.  When you really think about it, $7.00 per couple gets you each an hour of dance lessons, and all the drinks you want for only 25 cents each.  And with the people we have met since being here it makes it all the more fun. 

Sun Life Resort really is a very friendly resort and it's very easy to meet new people and they are so very open to meeting us.  I like it here and can understand why everyone comes back year after year.  I have not heard one person complain about anything.  But then this is a really clean nice resort with lots of amenities.

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