Monday, October 11, 2010

10/11/2010 (Mon) - Free Ticket Day

This morning we woke to 68 degree temps, a cool breeze, and another nice start to the day.  We actually had another one of those relaxing days where we accomplished almost nothing.  We did run to the RV Store to bring back the screen clips that did not fit and to Home Depot so Jim could buy another piece of wood but other than that we stayed put.

Seriously I have no idea where the day goes but it does and it does it really fast.  Pam and I walked to the activity office today to pick up our free tickets to the five events we have coming.  Right now I have tickets coming out of my ears.  Today's free tickets are to the Octoberfest being held on the 21st, the Halloween Party being held on the 28th, The Legends of Country Music Show being held on Nov. 9, Santa Caroling Party being held on Dec. 15th, and the final one is to the New Years Eve Party being held on Dec. 31st.  The price of these tickets would have been around $150.00 so it was a nice perk for renting for the three months we did. 

We did manage to wash the truck today but that was about it.  After dinner Jim and I walked to the activity center as they said they were playing Hand & Foot in the Game Room but it has not started yet.  Think maybe next week so we stopped at Pam and Bill's and played Farkel for a while.  So here it is 9:30pm at night and we are settled in.  I still have about 30 pages to finish in my book so will do that tonight. 

Almost forgot to mention while in the activity office I was offered a job taking pics at the events.  I declined.  I did tell them that if I took any pics during the events I would email them to the activity office.  I just don't want to have to do that.

Tomorrow they are having a Salad Luncheon in which they will furnish the salad greens and dressings and who ever wants to come just has to bring something to add to the salad.  So we are going to that. 
Til later....

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