Thursday, October 7, 2010

10/07/2010 (Thur) - Plays and Stuff

With the newly purchased throw rugs in place, I found a use for one of the older rugs but had to cut it into pieces so it fit on the step coming into the unit.  So I now have 4 pieces for the one blister on my thumb from the scissors.  Just be glad I did not have 4 blister to go along with the 4 rug pieces.

Jim did some of his fix-it jobs today.  He had to put the covers on the wheels so the sun does not blast on them.  He also fixed one cupboard door as it would not stay shut, and he fixed the outside small crack by the bedroom slider.  See how much work it is being a full time Rver.

Today Pam and I traveled to the other side of Mesa to pick up our tickets for the plays.  It really is a nice theater and we bought tickets to three plays.  First one is Beauty and the Beast, second is The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and third is Hair.  We of course had to stop at the Discount Disney store but in passing thru JC Penneys I had to buy a top.  We stopped on our way home to a health food store called, Sprouts and by then we had to have lunch.  And yes I did mail a package to my Taylor.   Busy day...not.

After dinner tonight our neighbor came over and asked us if we wanted to go to the pool to sit and chat.  We said yes so I called friends Pam and Bill to come along.  Did find out that line dancing lessons are right after coffee and donuts on Thursday.  And after line dancing is the salad lunch.  Humm sounds like an eating day.  Was a nice time and we did not get back here until nine.  Almost bed time.

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