Sunday, October 31, 2010

10/31/2010 (Sun) - Happy Halloween!!

Can you tell it was another not do much day.
I do have to mention that out of all the holidays Halloween is my least favorite.  I mean I really do not care for it at all.  I think it is because for all the years I worked in the school system every Halloween the kids were just beyond themselves.  They were flying high with all that sugar in them and it was almost impossible to keep them quiet.  After living thru about 20 years of that, I finally decided that I would take my personal day, the day after Halloween just to avoid that.  Sissy wasn't I.  So here goes..

A little information on the origin of Halloween. 
Halloween was first celebrated over 2,000 years ago by the Celtic people, but it was not called Halloween it was called Samhain.
The Samhain festival (Halloween festival) was observed as the New Year for the Celtic People, because their calendars started on November 1st.
The Celtic people celebrated the fall harvest and the coming of winter with huge bonfires. They also wore animal skins and heads during the Samhain bonfires, which is where the Halloween tradition of costumes more than likely originated.  That's it for Halloween.

I am beyond pleased to put this web site on my blog.  It is from The Morning Sun Newspaper in Alma, MI.  They have an article in there about Jim's daughter, Kate.  She is a highland dancer and there is a video of her dancing.   

We did go to the hot tub for about an hour tonight.  Was almost to warm in there but it was nice.  Nice night tonight.  I know all those of you in the cooler climate might not appreciate us walking to the hot tub with just our bathing suits on at 9:00pm in the evening but someone has to do it.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

10/30/2010 (Sat) - A Do Nothing Day

After our busy week we decided to take a day off to do nothing.  And that's exactly what we did.

10-29-2010 (Fri) - Bye Bye Birdie (the play)

I was so tired from my fast pace of life, I just sort of took the day off.  Visited a friend for a bit but mostly just laid low and I actually took a nap.  Do you think that is a sign I'm getting old....don't answer that.

Tonight was the night for the play, Bye Bye Birdie, and what a marvelous performance.  

Entrance into the Mesa Encore Theater

Thru out the Center for the Arts you would find this overhead. 
Hard to get good shots at night but it was so pretty with all those trees and the overhead canvas.

When we arrived at the Mesa Center for the Arts there were very few people there and I actually wondered if we were at the wrong place.  You could have shot a cannon down the street and not have hit anyone.  But by 7:30pm the theater was filled. 

The Play
The Mesa Encore Theater is a small theater with local talent and the play was so very well done.  I just love those small intimate little theaters.  This one only had perhaps 250 seats and most all were filled.  One of the main character's mother was just beyond hilarious. Every time she came out we were all laughing. She did just a great job.  The Mayor's wife was equally as funny.

Just in front of us was a little girl who was maybe three and she kept looking at Jim and I.  I knew why.  We were eating Skittles.  Jim whispered to me, "Why don't you ask her mother if she can have some."  I did and the answer was yes.  It was so cute watching her eat those skittles as she would eat one color at a time and only eat one at a time.  Kids, you just gotta love em.
I'm beginning to think that maybe the reason I like plays so much, is because I can sit and just be a spectator and not have to do a thing.

Friday, October 29, 2010

10/28/2010 (Thur) - Partying down Halloween

I bet you think all we do is go from one party event to another.  Hummm never thought about it but maybe you are right!  Well tonight was no exception.  Party again tonight.  The Activity Hall was decorated to the hilt and look fabulous as usual.  Those decoration people really do a good job.

There they were working like mad decorating and there I was doing my line dancing.  This advanced class is about to do me in.  They are really good and I am really in need of more practice.  But after dancing last night and line dancing today, I decided to take a nap so I could be ready to dance tonight.

The Halloween party was wonderful. The decorations were just amazing and how they can think of such unique things to do is beyond me.   We did not help with this event.
Arrangement as you enter the Activity Hall

Activity Hall decorated for Halloween

The music was by Tom Chesnut Entertainment and he was just excellent too.  In fact I asked him if they ever went to Florida.  People there would love him.  So about half of the people were dressed up and the other half were like us, not dressed in a costume.  Well Jim did have his cowboy boots and cowboy hat on.  They had prizes for the best dressed.  There was this darling older couple that was all dressed up and they were so darn cute.  They got a prize and everyone just yelled their support when they did.  I think they are a much loved couple.

Aren't they cute!

Wouldn't you love to have parents that really lived life to the fullest like these folks do.  She handed me a handful of candy and whispered, "I don't do tricks, I only do treats."  Now how cute is that.

What!!  Mickey is with 'Miss bowling ball.'  I'm telling Minnie!

Our very own sumo wrestler - Mickey better watch out...

Great dancers and new friends.
Can you tell we had a great time.  Yes we danced and danced.  My feet are even more tired than they were after line dancing.  Good thing is, we won't be dancing until at least Wednesday evening.  Pam and Bill are already planning our  'Wednesday Evening Outing' with the 25 cent drinks.  When you really think about it, $7.00 per couple gets you each an hour of dance lessons, and all the drinks you want for only 25 cents each.  And with the people we have met since being here it makes it all the more fun. 

Sun Life Resort really is a very friendly resort and it's very easy to meet new people and they are so very open to meeting us.  I like it here and can understand why everyone comes back year after year.  I have not heard one person complain about anything.  But then this is a really clean nice resort with lots of amenities.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10/27/2010 (Wed) - Dancing on a Wed.

Today the day started out with the usual things like cleaning, scrubbing and ironing.  You know exciting stuff.  Jim is still busy working on a web site for a friend.  He has purchased a new program that is pretty sophisticated and is working his way thru that.  It's way beyond anything I can do but he loves those kinds of challenges.  The site is really coming together and looks, in my opinion, amazing.

Actually we've hardly left the 5th wheel today, not because it's to hot, but we just did not.  We did run to the drug store but that was it.

Tonight we went with friends to a place called AZ Country ABC because we had heard they gave dance lessons.   We really did not have any high hopes of this being much of anything.

Outside of AZ Country USA

What a hoot!  We, along with about 75 other people, learned what is called the shuffle.  We had so much fun and laughed and laughed.
Dance instructor with the white hat on.
The floor was packed and everyone was having such a great time.  I think this place is going to be packed all the time.  They give an hour dance lesson on Wed. and Sat.  The cost is $1.00pp and if you pay $7.00 the entire evening is free - like in the drinks are free.  Mixed, soda, or beer is all free and you can have as much as you like.....well that is if you are not the designated driver.

Jim and I doing the shuffle.
We were at a table with other Sun Life people, well actually it was three tables pushed together.  Was tons of fun.  Are we going again next week - that would be a yes.  And we are bringing more people the next time.  My feet hurt tonight think maybe it's from to much shuffling?  Don't say're thinking what's the big deal all older people shuffle.

Monday, October 25, 2010

10/25/2010 (Mon) - I Did It! I Did It!

Yes I did -- I did it!!  Can you see my feet doing the happy dance....

Ever since Jim and I have been Rving, we have been using Jim's huge 350 Ford truck with duel wheels on the back to transport the 5th wheel.  Well guess what?  I drove the big truck today. Me - I did it!! Oh you say, 'sooo that's not such a big deal.'  Well for me it's huge.  That truck is like riding in a semi truck and it's scary.  It's way large and it takes up more than it's share of the road.  Today I drove it to the strip mall which was 1.9 miles away from the Resort.  I had to make sure I could get it around all the corners and I even parked it.  Well okay so I parked a long way from where I shopped but none the less I did it. Jim said I did a wonderful job.  However, I did notice he had the seat belt on tighter than normal.

So to celebrate my driving, I shopped!  Jim stayed in the truck and read. I'm thinking it was more to calm him down than anything.   After my shopping I took Jim out to lunch.  Well to be more exacting I drove to the Red Mountain Grill and we had lunch.  I was going to buy lunch but Jim said, "Do you want me to get this?"  so I said, "Sure that would be nice."

Beginner's line dancing started today so I was up and at it by nine this morning.  Had to learn a bit more before the Monday happy hour time as they do a lot of line dancing during that time.

On every Monday they have a park wide happy hour at the pool area.  So today being Monday a happy hour time was on the schedule.  It seems to me that most of those attending were a lot happier this week than last week.  We had no free snacks this week but they did have munchies to buy along with drinks.
The band was much better than last week too. 

Just before six we left as we had to have dinner because also on Monday's is the game called Hand and Foot.  It's no wonder I am tired most of the time.  It's go go go all day long.  We lost one and won one.  There were just four of us gals tonight and it went much faster.  Fun game to play.

So my friends that's it for tonight.  No pics today.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

10/24/2010 (Sun) - Pizza Grillin Night

I love pizza! But I could not imagine what a pizza on the grill would look like, let alone taste like. So when friends Pam and Bill invited us over I said, 'hummm sure that would be wonderful.' All the while thinking what have I got us into. I could just see all that pizza sauce running red all over the grill with the cheese making it's yellow trail right behind it. My imagination went wild! I imagined small bits of sausage sliding running right over the peperoni. Would they be flipping the pizza that would not work. I finally gave up and just decided what will be will be. So at the appropriate time we arrived with our dessert in hand. All I can say is wow were we pleased. We started with blank pizza crusts that we put on a plate.

We had lots of pizza topping to choose from.

The tomato sauce was added, then came the sausage.

Then came the peperoni, onions, black olives, peppers, spices, and cheese to top it all off.  It looked just like a pizza. 

One nice looking pizza
We slide them onto a cold Weber grill. 

Hummm Yummy!!
Bill lit the grills and in no time at all we had pipping hot pizza.  They were great.  He said the trick is to not have the grill hot before setting the crust on as it will burn and the other things will not even be hot.  We're going to do this again you can count on that.

Now about yesterday:

Friends Sarah and Don, invited me to a Body Shape Seminar.  (Adio Life Center Clinic)  It was very interesting and I 'think' I did pick up a few pointers.  One being don't eat anything with sugar close to bedtime, duh as if I ever do that --- well okay okay so I do.  I've been known to eat sweet rolls before bedtime.  For people who can't sleep thru the night this could be a major player.  We were told while in deep sleep at night is when the fat burning takes place.  I was going to raise my hand and ask if we should take Rolaids before bedtime.  You know the fire in the belly thing.  So anyway if you eat all that sugar you won't be able to sleep well.  Then you won't be able to go into the deep sleep mode thus not burning that fat.  I could almost hear that fat sizzling.  So last night what do you think I wanted to eat before I went to bed?  Well yah ice cream of course, but I didn't.  Didn't sleep well either so no fat burning took place last night.  I'll try it again tonight and see if I sleep better.  I think I was seeing that not eaten ice cream all night.

Jim and I did the grocery thing and watched football games most of yesterday.  Even tho I am a Michigan fan, I am proud of Michigan State as they are just outstanding this year. 
At 6:30pm the six of us met at the activity center and played the game Hand and Foot for a looong time.  We each brought snacks to munch on.  We had brought veggies and dip, but the most sought after snack was chocolate covered turtles, hot tamales, and the sugar coated jelly life savers.  Did not stand a chance at not eating sweets last night.  Bill and I won again.  Bet they won't let us be partners anymore.

Friday, October 22, 2010

10/22/2010 (Fri) - The Dolly Steamboat/Tortilla Flats

Today Jim and I just took a day by ourselves.  We packed our lunch, took lightweight jackets, and I brought my camera.  First stop of the day was to have breakfast out, which we very seldom do.  Was nice.  Our plan today is to go on the Dolly Steamboat.   It travels on Cannon Lake which is located just two miles from Tortilla Flats.

We stopped along the way to see a view of Cannon Lake and in talking with another couple there, we were surprised to find they both were from Michigan and Judy actually is staying in the same resort we are.  So they joined us aboard the steamboat and also we had lunch with them in Tortilla Flats.  Nice couple.

Scenic Drive to Cannon Lake

The Dolly Steamboat
The Dolly Steamboat is a replica of a classic American sternwheeler.   The boat takes guests to secluded inner waterways accessible only by boat. The captain shares the history of the Apache Trail and Canyon Lake, and the plant life of the lower Sonoran Desert.   He also told us a little bit about the legends of the Superstition Mountains and the Lost Dutchman's Gold.  We did manage to see some big horned sheep. 

This old guy was a just resting on the mountainside

In all we saw about ten sheep

Some of the scenery along the way

Very cloudy day

The whole area was darker due to the lack of sun

Was just a bit cool but not bad at all

Yup more sheep

Once we arrived back these ducks welcomed us back.

Town of Tortilla Flats

Just part of the town

Bar Stools in the Restaurant

Dollar bills are all over the walls in the restaurant.

Woman's bathroom

It was just a nice way to spend an afternoon.   It does take a bit of time to get to Tortilla Flats because the road going to there is one curve after another and the speed going around the curves is around 15 to 25 mph.  Slow going but the scenery is beautiful.  The weather was not good today but it still was pretty.  I have not been there in two years and because of the rain we've had, a lot of the bushes and scrub was really green.

10/21/2010 (Thur) - Oktoberfest Party

At nine this morning I was kicking up my heals line dancing.  I am just not good at all, but I'll keep trying and maybe some day I'll get the hang of it.  They are starting a beginner's line dancing class and I am for sure going to switch.  For a person who does not like to exercise I tell myself this is my exercise program.

After line dancing, Pam and I helped decorate the activity room for the Oktoberfest Party.  In my humble opinion I thought it looked just great.  Pam and I did not do all that much but the total look was wonderful. 

Sort of the focal point of the decorations

Our table before we got there
While I was doing this Jim hopped into the truck and took his daughter out to lunch.  We both got back to the 5th wheel close to the same time.

The Oktoberfest party started, if you can believe this, at 5:30pm.  Now that is early in any one's book.  We did have a good meal (food again) and the beer for the entire evening was included in the ticket price.  There was a two piece band and they did a great job of mixing the music for those that liked slow dances and those that liked faster ones.

Us at our table

The beer mug behind me was about eight feet tall and fastened to the wall with Velcro.  All the decorations move from one Cal Am park to another.  The decorations used for the Oktoberfest here will be packed and taken to the next park by morning time.
  Jim and I left around 8:00pm.  Pam and I returned at 9:30pm so we could help pack the decorations for the move tomorrow.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10/20/2010 (Wed) - Dancin' and Play Goin'

Mesa, the City.....

Back in the 1800's the city of Mesa really started out as a small farming community. The first known population was a group of Indians known as the Hohokam Indians.  Around 1877 the Mormon pioneers started to settle in and around Mesa. During the 120 plus years since that time Mesa has grown at break-neck speeds to become the third largest city in Arizona. Imagine that the third largest city! Even more astounding is that it  has become the 38th largest city in the U.S.

The word ‘Mesa’ was taken from a Spanish word that means table which was a word to describe land above the bluff.

Today Mesa has a population of close to 475,000 people which makes it larger than Atlanta, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, and Miami. Mesa is over 1,200 feet above sea level and believe it or not on average Mesa has 325 sunny days per year. The ‘average’ temp is 88 with a low of 56.  You know in order to get average lots of those days have to be much higher and lots must be much lower.

Mesa is 128 square miles in size and has over 40 golf courses, 55 parks, 13 public pools, 900 restaurants and 450 businesses. And the most exciting news of all is the 13,000 free parking spaces in the city.
Mesa has an expanded airport called Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport and since Oct. of 2007 the carrier Allegiant Air has had approximately 690,000 people flying in and out of that airport.

Mesa really is quite the city.

Today oh yes today...was dance lesson cream social day......dinner at Mel and Joanna's day.....and Beauty and the Beast play day.   You've heard of that term living in the fast lane....that could really be us.

Our dance lesson went well except we need to practice what we have learned.  Those turns are killers to do.  Well the turn is not hard it's what to do with your feet that's the killer.   We still have two practice sessions left but can't find a time this month to do them.  But honestly I do think we can dance maybe a 'tiny' bit better than before the lessons.  Just found out that there is a place close by that has dance lessons every Wednesday night and the cost is $1.00pp.  Well that's a no brainer, we're going there from now on.

We ended up not going to the ice cream social so I just had a sugar free creamsicle here.  Our dinner was beyond excellent but we need to stop eating so much all the time.  Here it is Thur. and we haven't eaten one meal here for the last week.  Needs to stop.  Joanna is a wonderful cook and she actually enjoys it.  I can't wrap my arms around that concept.
The Gammage Theater in Tempe, AZ
 Location:  Univ. of AZ.

The play Beauty and the Beast was just wonderful.

Our seats were in what I often refer to as the 'nosebleed' section but I totally enjoyed the play and am looking forward to the next one.

Jim said he did not really care for that type of play but he did say it was well done.  I thought it was excellent.  It was so sad because in the play, the Beast dies.  I did not realize he did.  He does come back to life and becomes a gorgeous man.  Of course that's after Bella kisses him.  It was so cute to see all the little girls in the audience all dressed up in their long dresses with hair bows and dress shoes.  They were so excited to be at the play. 

Another busy day tomorrow, well actually all the days seem to be busy ones.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19/2010 (Tue) - Cookin' and Dancin'

Most of you know I am a little cooking impaired.....well okay okay, so I am totally cooking impaired.  Eight of us went to The Mesa Regal Resort for what I thought would be a tough day, as today was Cooking Class Day.  I had images of me cutting stuff with really sharp knives and I don't like sharp knives they really scare me.

Our Group of Eight
 We sat at long tables and just watched the chef do all the work.  I'm thinking,  "Now this is my kind of cooking class."  We were given a hand out that had all sorts of neat stuff to make for Halloween.  I mean really neat stuff. 

Jim and I
My favorite was what the chef called, "BOO NANNERS."  What you do is peel some bananas, cut them in half widthwise.  Push a popsicle stick into the cut end.  Cover each nanner by itself with plastic wrap and freeze for about three hours.  Melt in a micro 1.5 ounces of white chocolate.  With a knife spread the white choc. all over the frozen nanners.  Yes...of course you take the plastic wrap off before hand.  Once coated with the white choc, place the nanner on wax paper.  Put choc. chips for the eyes and nose.  Return the nanners to the freezer until you are ready to eat them.  I'm thinkin keeping them wrapped keeps them from turning black.  Wow now that would be even scarier.

Boo Nanners
(not the best pic but you get the idea)
So after he showed us and told us all about the handout items, it was time for lunch.  Lunch today was a meal for gobbling and it wasn't even Halloween.  We had Stuffed Alien Heads, Bat Wings, Salad Coffins, Witches Toes, Ogre Fingers, and fruit Jack-O-Lanterns. 

Stuffed Alien Heads

Salad Coffins

Witches Toes

Ogre Fingers

Fruit Jack-O-Lanterns
Cute cute lunch!
Now in English that would be stuffed peppers, BBQ chicken wings, salad in a bread bowl, little half wrapped hot dogs,  sausages with yellow bell peppers, fruit in an orange cut out, and dessert.  We also had either coffee, soda, or water to drink.   Was more than any goblin could possibly eat.  At every eating event they of course had the to go boxes and many took them.  Now if I told you the total cost per person was $5.00 would you believe me?  Most likely not but that was the cost.  That all took place between 10:45am and 12:45pm.

Once back we got ready for out next outing which was another class.  The other day when we were at the store called Sproats we noticed that a Fred Astaire Dance Studio was next door so we stopped in.  End results was we decided to take a few lessons and today was our first lesson.  

Our Dance Site
We supposedly learned the country/western swing and the AZ two step.  We can now go forward and back and side to side.  I think I will always remember the swing dance as the instructor told us there is a three step process to holding hands in order to dance the swing.  Step 1:  He told Jim to hold his hands like he was holding cans of coke.  Step 2: He told me to hold my hands like claws.  Step 3:  He said to put the claws into the coke cans.  Got a visual of that? 

The really hard part was when we actually had to dance to the beat of the music.  Never knew forward and back could be so hard.  My legs hurt by the end of the class and it was only for 30 minutes.  He did try to teach us the basic step to the waltz, but haha we knew it.  He was so pleased with us. 

I would have thought he could have given us stickers for doing so well, but all we got was, 'hey good job.'  I need visual praise, darn it I wanted a sticker! 
We go back tomorrow for another lesson and this means we are giving up ice cream social day.  Jim said we did not need it, little does he know.

We topped off the evening by joining Bill and Pam over at Mel and Joanna's for a social time.  We chatted and played another game of Hand and Foot.  Had snacks for dinner instead of wholesome food.  Tomorrow we are all eating dinner together at Mel and Joanna's and then we are going to our first play together.

Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/2010 (Mon) - Girls Outing

Today's heading most likely should have said Older Ladies Outing.  Today Pam, Joanna, and I went to the movies as our outing.  Saw the film Life as We Know It.  Cute cute film and one most anyone except men would love.  Yes we even had popcorn and we did not have to share it with anyone.  We then went to the 99 cent store to pick up a few things.  I spent all of $2.00.  Also went to the market and I spent even less there so my outing this afternoon was comparatively inexpensive.  Most of the time being old is a pain - but occasionally it pays off and today it did.  Being a senior means discounts!!!

This cell tower is dressed in palm leaves so it is not such an eye sore.  Great idea I think.

You'll see lots of these signs advertising casinos.

We got back around four, and low and behold between four and six the pool side had a happy hour with live music no less.  We went.  There still are not many people in the park but I was amazed at how many showed up for this 'free' happy hour.  They had a band playing dance music and munchies to eat.  Gosh they had chicken wings, sausage and kraut, deep fried cheese sticks, potatoes, and chips and salsa.  The drinks you had to buy or bring our own, which we did.

Outdoor drink and munchie bar

Happy Hour at the pool

Friends Sarah and Don dancing.

No sooner got back from happy hour when we went to visit Mel and Joanna to ask them if they wanted to take a little sightseeing trip on Friday.  While there Pam came over and the two of us went off to play a game called "hand and foot."  Was fun and of course I lost.  Did get to meet some nice people tho and we for sure are going next week.  Only hard thing was that it lasted for three hourse.  Long time to play cards, well at least for me. 

So once again life in Mesa is a busy one but today I do have to add another word and that would be it was a 'fun' day also.