Thursday, September 30, 2010

9/29/2010 (Wed) - Hanging out in Bakersfield

Don’t you just love the cat picture.....that was me in the truck while on the road yesterday.

Ruth had originally planned to be in Michigan this Thursday so she had pretty well emptied out her fridge of perishables. So this morning, Jim and Ruth walked to the grocery store to pick up things for breakfast while I stayed behind and showered.

After breakfast we walked to the clubhouse to use their wifi as we can not access the internet in Ruth’s home. And you know I have to post my blog as this has become an important part of my day.

Once back at Ruth’s we played Yahtzee and you guessed right - winner Ruth won again. How she does that is beyond me but she always wins. We are going to play Spinner Dominoes later tonight.

Spinner Domino Game

We went out to lunch at Subway and then went to Trader Joe's. I was not aware that in CA you can get Charles Shaw wine for $1.99 instead of the $2.99 we pay in MI. So naturally with a savings of $12.00 a case Jim purchased another case so now he has saved a total of $24.00 or the cost of another case.

Trader Joe's

Jim relaxing
Evening arrived, and sure enough we played dominoes and sure enough I lost. Not just a little lost but beyond anything you could imagine. Jim won most of the games tonight and Ruth won the rest. Tell me again why I brought this game here... I should just leave it with Ruth.

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