Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/22/2010 (Wed) - A vegging good day

Every now and again you just have to take a day to do nothing.  Today was that day.  We did not even have breakfast until ten in the morning.  Jim was on his computer and I was on mine.  The wifi here is not good at all, well if you think about it, neither is the cell service as we have no cell service.  The reason is because we are in a valley.  I had a lot of things I thought needed to be done but really had no energy to do them.  I had slept poorly last night, so yes I was tired.   Am still wondering if this isn't mostly from the high altitude we're in.  I'd hate to think it's AGE, nah can't be that.  Usually my energy level is pretty high but not today.
We did take a drive of 17 miles to Kahab, UT which is on the UT/AZ border because we needed to confirm our lodging for tomorrow night.  And you know the phone does not work here.  Highway 89 has proven to be the most scenic route I have ever been on.  Just when you think you've seen it all here comes more.

Highway 89 is the route to take as it's so beautiful

Welcome to Kahab
Quaint little town and they have cell service

Great scenery

My Pic of the Day
Home for one more night
I did start to read but was falling asleep so I walked across the street to pick up a few things for my little Taylor but that was it. I don't even have to pack up early tomorrow as we only have 260 miles to go to get to Williams, AZ where we will be for two days.  Going to the south rim of the Grand Canyon.  Then I think that is it for national parks for this season.

We went next door for dinner tonight.  The young man who waited on us told us he had been at work since ten in the morning and had to stay until closing at ten and then clean up.  They just had three bus loads of people in for dinner too.  Makes for a really long day.  He was very nice even after all those hours.

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