Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sept. 14 - Boating and Hiking Glacier

Did not get an early start today (9:00am) because it was 40 degrees out and we are wimpy as we are used to warmer weather. Once again we had our lunches packed, warm clothes and you know all that stuff ready for our day in the park. 

Barn shot of the Day
We went by ourselves today mostly because we wanted to do some hiking.  You are probably thinking so since when do they hike, well we do once in a while but not often.  We were told the hike today is four and a half hours up and the hike down is one hour and a half.  The incline from the beginning to the top is 500 feet.

We arrived at the park around ten and had to wait for some time as many other people had the same idea.  Driving thru the park we decided to stop at the Lake McDonald Lodge to get the tickets for the boat ride that was leaving at 3:00pm.  They were closed!

We then decided to go to Avalanche Lake to hike that trail.  We finally got to that location and had one heck of a time finding a place to park.  We lucked out as there was one empty spot, we took it.  With backpack on and camera in hand we started our hike. 

We got to the spot where the actual hike begins and read the sign.  It said 2.0 miles to Avalanche Lake.  Now that would be 2.0 miles up a rather steep slope.  We are in good shape, we can make it, so we started out.  Do you have any idea how out of breath a person can get walking up all the time.  Well you do.  We had to stop to see scenic places if you believe that you are in trouble.  We stopped because we were breathing way to hard.  The walk to Avalanche Lake is thru tall tall pine trees that are growing along the mountain side.  They are as straight as an arrow and in some spots an avalanche started and pushed the trees down the mountain side.  I would not want to be there when that happened.

Just like the Bear I Saw

About half way up I'll be darn if a huge black bear didn't run past us.  It was perhaps a hundred feet ahead of us and was on the move.  That's all a pumping heart needs is to see a black bear.  I did not take any pictures because I just knew if I made a sound it would stop running and run after us.  I hid behind a tree!  Not a lot of protection as pine trees are skinny.

After the bear scare we continued on our way and finally reached the lake.  It was worth all the hard work, it was gorgeous, it was a fantastic color of blue green, it was loaded with reflections.   I took a number of pictures before we decided to leave.  Going back was so much easier than climbing up.  It took us about 55 minutes to get back whereas it took us 90 minutes to get to the lake. 

River Bed with all the color stones

Avalanche Lake

Avalanche Lake

Jim walking around Avalanche Lake

We quickly drove back to the lodge to see if we could get tickets for the boat ride.  We could and we did.  We ate our packed lunch while waiting for the boat to leave at 3:00pm.  It was really a nice ride and the commentator had to be 85 or 90 years of age.  He told us so many interesting things and what was so nice is that he worked at the park for 50 years so much of this he actually lived thru it.  We totally enjoyed it and recommend it.  Lake McDonald is about seven miles long and about a mile and a half wide.

Lake McDonald

Beautiful Lake McDonald

Reflections on Lake McDonald

Beautiful just beautiful

We arrive back home around 5:30pm tired but happy.  At 6:30pm we went to Joe and Kay's for dinner and just vegged.  Watched a couple of videos and called it an early night which was around 9:30pm.

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