Saturday, September 4, 2010

From Menahga, MN to Minot, ND (366)

We left Dan and Betty and of course our little McKenna at 7:45 this morning. Can you believe it was 41 degrees out. Now that is a bit chilly for me. Once again Dan and Betty thank you so much for having us and sharing McKenna with us.

Dan, McKenna, Betty
I did not realize the University of Minnesota was located in Crookston, MN.  It looked huge.

University of Minnesota
We made a quick stop in Grand Forks to purchase more diesel, like 105 gallons of diesel, so really it was not all that quick. More like a long fuel stop.  We also had the privilege of driving thru the Geographical Center of North America which is located just west of Rugby, ND.

And naturally where there is water there are birds.  I think this is a wood stork.  Keep in mind I took this pic traveling 65mph and who knows how fast the bird was flying.

Water is Everywhere
Our route today took us through some of the most gorgeous landscape you can imagine. The wheat fields were the color of champagne and scattered here and there were these huge round bales of hay. Some of the fields were cleared of the hay bales and the fields with their tiny cropped hay rows were a solid light creamy brown color. These were everywhere along our route today but no sooner would we passed the wheat fields when we would come across acres of sunflower plants. All the spent heads were facing east. I think it's because the sun comes up in the east. The leaves and stems looked like little old ladies all hunched over wearing their leaf overcoats with their brown faced bonnets. One of the most interesting sights were the fields of corn. The corn tassels from a distance looked light golden brown in color and it looked like a huge fleece blanket covering acre after acre. Up close the corn stalks looked like little men with those light colored corn husks for their guns and the ever present tassels for the top of their hats. At times a shadow would be present and it would cover large section in a black darkness. Many of the crops grown were unknown to us but they were a deep green in color while others were a worn out pale green. And of course you know where there are fields there are barns......Beautiful drive today.

Another old Barn
Round Barn

Just worn out
We arrived at Swenson's Valley View RV Park in Minot around two this afternoon.  Did all the routine RV things and then went shopping for a few things.  We were going to eat out but ended up buying a pizza and eating at home.   Did I mention that we had no rain today at all.  When we arrived here it was 80 degrees out. 

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