Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/28/2010 (Tue) - On The Road Again

We woke up to 72 degree temps inside the 5th wheel this morning and that was wonderful.  Just maybe that insulation window stuff might work.

We had made arrangements to go to Bakersfield, CA so today at 7:45am we left. We drove on I-10 and let me tell you driving, or should I say riding, while Jim drove thru some of the busiest traffic I have ever been in, was unbelievable. Jim drove on 202 thru Phoenix and that connected with I-10. The traffic was three lanes west and three lanes east. It moved along nicely and really was not horrible.

From Phoenix to the California border was desert like in appearance, which surprised me as I did not even think about that section being desert. We stopped just before the California border to get yet more fuel and coffee. One thing about getting large amounts of fuel is that most of the pumps shut off after $75.00 and the pumps do not like to take the same card twice. So we have to have more than one card to get larger amounts of fuel. Sometimes stations will let you get what you need by opening the pump but not all. 

After fueling we hopped back on I-10 and drove into California and for a while it was not any worse than in Phoenix. But that only lasted for a while as the closer we got to Los Angeles the worse it got. Somehow the roads became six lanes west and six lanes east and how traffic can move that fast is beyond me. The right two lanes were truck lanes and there was no way anyone could get into those lanes as the trucks were what looked like six feet apart just roaring along clacking and rattling scaring me by how close they ran to the next lane. The traffic kept getting faster and faster and busier and busier. All I could hear is swish swish as traffic crept closer and closer to us. Before long we were four lanes of what looked like cars all hooked together roaring ahead at 75mph.

That’s when I saw that a bypass would take us up and away from I-10 away from Los Angeles. I said to Jim, “Jim why don’t we take bypass 210 around this area as it hooks up with I-5 which is the road we need?” Jim said, “MaryAnn, do you want to reroute Geraldine (our GPS) you know how she hates that?”  I said, “Jim this traffic is horrible yes I think we should. Jim said, “MaryAnn this is not so bad why not just stay on I-10 like Geraldine wants us to.” I said, “Okay!”

I waited and it got worse and worse so I repeated my request. Same answer. By then in my mind I was grabbing Geraldine with both my hands squeezing the screen, screaming into her face take 210, take 210 you @%$*&^#.” All I heard from her was, “In two miles stay on I-10" coming out of the GPS with that irritating voice of hers. I suggested one more time that we take 210. Same answer, “Let’s just do what Geraldine says.”

Finally Geraldine got smarter or maybe it’s because I was strangling her. She told us to turn north so we could hit bypass 210. I breathed a sign of relief, but before I could get comfortable she came back with new instructions to get off 210 to go onto highway 134. With my hands on my head I said, “Why - why?”

I mentioned to Jim that we should just stay on 210. He said, "Geraldine is doing fine I’ll follow her." More swishing, honking, tooting roaring traffic. Believe it or not Geraldine finally routed us to I-5 north, thru horrible traffic, that now was almost all huge giant trucks all moving incredibly slow because now we were going thru the mountains and of course they once again had the right two lanes so we could not get off even if we had it. And I needed to.....after all I had had three cups of coffee. So finally I did the only possible thing I could do.....I was exhausted - I took a nap!

Traffic was so busy I would be hard pressed to tell you what the scenery was like as I was watching the road all the time.....well that is except when out of desperation I had to take that nap.

Finally and I say finally, after seven incredible hours we arrived at Ruth’s house. Almost before I said hello I took care of ‘pressing’ business. She looks great and her new place is just perfect in every way.
We arrived around four in the afternoon. The only bad thing is that we did not have lunch because the traffic was so busy and so fast we could not get off the highway. I should say thanks to the truckers that is, because all exits go off to the right remember and the trucks were six inches apart remember.

We had a very early dinner. Ruth knew of this really good Mexican restaurant so we went there and had take out. She was right it was excellent.

I had brought the game Spinner dominoes as I knew that Ruth liked to play that game. I really think the reason she likes it so much is that she always once again she was happy. She won.

The closer we got to the west coast the hazier the weather seemed. It’s like a fog was setting in.  So these are the pics I took on Tues.

Bear Mountain - Do you see the Bears?
Ooops it's Teddy Bear Cactus not real bears.
Got ya.

Desert between AZ and CA

Palm Trees don't do well here


Along I-5 driving thru the mountains.

Closer to Bakersfield

I will write more tomorrow or rather today as it's today already.  Hope you are having a fine day, we are.

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