Saturday, September 18, 2010

9/18/2010 (Sat) - From Dillon, MT to Layton, UT (347 miles)

I still can't figure out why a person actually needs to be on the road by eight am.  We were and it was cold out like 44 degrees.  We even bought propane before we left.  This is looking more and more like a job as it's up and at it and then go go go.  Do I sound crabby, I think I was.

Today we were on Interstate 15 for the entire day.  Seemed very long to me but we made wonderful time.  I'm beginning to think I might be one of those people who needs sun.  We have had nothing but overcast days with lots of rain.  Today was no different.  Very overcast, gloomy and drizzling.

I would call this 'fog'

I'm thinking this is a snow marker

The Big Sky country has new meaning for me.  It is a big sky so when the clouds are hanging low over everything as far as the eye can see it really is a big sky.  A huge ugly sky.  And not only that it was so foggy you could hardly see.  So long Montana hello Idaho. 

Just before we crossed over to Idaho the landscape changed from mountains and hills to almost flat land.....and you know what, the overcast clouds lifted, the fog lifted, the sun came out, and the sky was blue.  Yea I'm a happy camper. 

One of many irrigation systems

In Idaho everywhere I looked all I saw was irrigation systems running.  Those big wheeled things like you see all the time and in addition they even had pipe irrigation. 

For just mile after mile all I saw were round bales, square bales, tiny bales of hay just everywhere.  They were stored in many different ways.  Really it was sort of pretty to see it all.  Way to much work for me that's for sure.

Kate, these are for you.
When you look close at these birds they seem to have grown beak lights.

We passed by this plane that looked like it had crashed as the front wheel was all bent out of shape.  The police were along side the road so it might have happened not long before we got there.

My Barn Shot of the Day

Fall is coming to Utah or at least on I-15

I don't know what those red bushes are but they were everywhere in Utah or should I say once again on I-15.

We are in a campground in Layton, Utah and we do not have the fireplace on because it's 95 out.  Feels good after all the cold and rain we've driven thru.  We stopped around 10:30am for coffee and Jim suggested we turn the truck off.  I looked at him like he had grown another head but said if you think so.  We had coffee, and in fact I was on my computer for a while.  Know why - the truck would not start!!  After about half an hour it started.  It will not run when it's hot from pulling the 5th wheel.  It's tough getting fuel because you are supposed to turn your vehicle off and we can't.  So later tonight we are going to fuel up so we are ready to leave tomorrow.  

ps:  We only had to put in $210.00 worth of diesel.  That should get us to Mesa, AZ.  I also bought a Diet Coke.

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