Monday, September 13, 2010

Sept. 13 - Glacier Park

We truly were up and out by 8:00am because we were eating breakfast out. We had our lunches packed, our warm clothes packed, and I had my camera out and ready to use. Joe drove us all day long poor man. Glacier is a fabulous place to visit, especially if you are a photo addict. It took a bit of time for the cloud/haze cover to lift but once those clouds parted and that blue sky started to pop out here and there it was beyond words. Mountains themselves are beautiful but add those gorgeous clouds and that deep blue sky and you have a breathtaking moment.....or should I say being that high up is breath taking in it's self. Joe drove down the road called 'Going to the Sun Road' which started at the West Glacier Entrance and ended at St Mary. He actually drove there and back.

Logan Pass

Jim and I at Logan Pass

Logan Pass

Logan Pass -Top of the Mountain

About half way there we stopped because we had reached the top. While there we were told a road worker had a piece of equipment he was operating slip over the side. The machinery fell all the way down the mountain side but from what we were told the worker jumped out and was going to survive. They hauled him up and then took him to Logan Pass and from there helicoptered him to a hospital.

Injured Worker

Air Chopper

Gotta Love Those Reflections

Rocks/Stones under water

Mountain Goat

We were just driving and this old mountain goat was just standing on the rocky mountain ledge. 

Big Horned Sheep

Now this Big Horned Sheep was way up the mountain side.  He was like a dot on the mountain. 

Color was Unbelieveable

Lake McDonald

This is the lake we are taking the boat ride in tomorrow.  It should be a bit cool but hopefully nice.  We are also going to hike the Avalance Pass so the day should be a good one.

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