Thursday, September 2, 2010

From Indian River, MI to Wakefield, WI (347 miles)

Today was one of those tough days, it was pouring rain. We or should I say Jim, was soaking wet by the time he finished. Because of the new tires for the 5th wheel Jim has to check the lug nuts when he had driven 200 miles and this morning was the time to check them. They were fine, he was soaked. Did I tell you all my jobs are inside jobs.....teehee

Today's route is highlighted in blue
We crossed the Mackinaw Bridge with Jim driving 20mph because of the high winds. Every Labor Day the bridge is closed to vehicles so thousands of people can walk across the five mile bridge. Humm if trucks can only go 20 mph because of high winds why would anyone walk on that bridge.

Picture of the "Big Bridge"
The upper peninsula of Michigan is famous for it’s pasties. Pasties are the shape of an omelet in that they are a folded over half circle. The crust is like pie crust but much much better. Inside you will find meat, potatoes, carrots, actually all sorts of veggies. But that doesn’t end there because over the top of the pasty they pour an amazing gravy. Must have tons of calories but well worth it, so if you are in the UP be sure to try one. The “Yoopers” from the UP love them.

Mail box protector - from snowplows
We eventually drove out of the rain and once again those beautiful clouds returned. Today they reminded me of white balls of cotton candy with the edges of the clouds all furry looking. These clouds looked very close up but behind them the sky was streaked with clouds that looked like the jet streams in the sky. I know now why this part of the country is referred to as God’s Country. Just gorgeous! All day long I waited for the perfect shot to show off those beautiful clouds but for 347 miles all we passed were trees and more trees. I tried to tell myself that I am heading where no trees grow so I should appreciate these. Didn’t work.

This Old House

Wakefield, WI or Punta Gorda, FL
Learned something new today. In Muskegon, MI where I live, this season has been the warmest in the 115 years they have been keeping track. I was not a surprised.  What did surprise me was the 55 degree temp last night.

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