Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/21/2010 (Tue) - 'Breathless' in Bryce National Park

Today I learned that Bryce National Park was about 3,000 feet higher than Zion.  You think maybe that has something to do with why I am so tired and out of breath.  On of the many differences I noticed about Bryce is that we are on top of the mountain ranges where in Zion we were mostly at the bottom.  Being at the bottom walking around gave one the feeling of being in and a part of the splendor.  Walking around in Bryce, because we were on top, we felt more like spectators.  Bryce was fantastic to say the least but it is more spread out than Zion was.  It is believed that Bryce Canyon's formation began at the same time dinosaurs were becoming extinct.  Bryce was not widely known until 1920 when the Union Pacific Railroad build a lodge in Bryce and started to advertise.

When you enter the park they instruct you to park your vehicle at the North Campground/Overflow parking area and a shuttle will pick you up.  It picks you up and takes you to the Visitor Center across the street where you must get on another shuttle to head into the park.  I did not care for the busing as it was only provided for a small section of Bryce.  I would recommend that you drive to every scenic spot especially this time of the year.  We did take the shuttle but it wasted a lot of time so we ended up getting the truck and using that.  From one end of Bryce to the other is around 20 miles as Bryce is 35,835 acres in size.  The route thru Bryce is a paved road that goes thru a forest.  They have some suggested places to stop and those are really quite dynamic to view.  We stopped at all of them and they were marvelous.  We did hike a little but not like yesterday as we just did not have it in us.  By four o'clock most everyone we ran across had that exhausted look on them, and we did to.

The areas were so vast and so far down that taking pictures was difficult as they really do not do justice to the areas at all.  May I suggest that you click on the pictures to make them larger as they are much better larger.  I have listed the scenic points in the order that we came to them.

Sunset Point   E 8000'
My picture of the day
I was told that at sunset these formations change in color and are beyond anything one could imagine.  We were just to tired to stay until sunset.  Another day another time.

Sunset Point  E 8000'
From this location you will get a wonderful view of Bryce's Natural Amphitheater. 

Sunset Point
Different shading add so much to these 'hoodoos'.

Inspiration Point  E 8100'
Here again you will get an amazing view of Bryce's Natural Amphitheater and most importantyly a wonderful view of Jim and I.  This spot is but a short walk from Bryce Point or you can walk to it from another location.

The Grotto's
They appear all in a row in the same layer of pale sandstone.  If you come at different times of the day when the sun is at a different angle the windows stand right out.  The Grotto's can be seen from Bryce Canyon Point/Inspiration Point.

Bryce Point  E 8296'
This is the spot that is perhaps the most visited as you can see the amphitheater in all it's splendor.  It truly is quite amazing to see this formation. 

Swamp Canyon  E 7998'
Swamp Canyon appears relatively small and sheltered from the overlook because it is bound on both sides by fins and 'hoodoos'.

Piracy Point  E 8819'
Piracy Point is just a short half mile hike from Farview Point and offers another view of the area.

Piracy Point  E 8819'
A short path leads to Piracy Point, and the colors are just magnificent to view.

Farview Point  E 8819'
Offers views of mountains and on clear days a plateau of the Grand Canyon's North Rim

Natural Bridge  E 8627 '
I like this pic also
Was not formed by a stream like most natural bridges.  This is more like an arch in that it was carved by rain and frost erosion acting from the top of the rock.

Agua Canyon  E8800 '
Notice the contrasting colors of light and dark is this area.  You can see small trees on top of the 'hoodoos' and in the distance you can see the rims of the southern plateaus and canyons.

Ponderosa Canyon  E 8766
Once again you can see the multicolored 'hoodoos' framed by the pine-covered foothills.

Black Birch Canyon  E 8750'
Black Birch Canyon Overlook is a roadside pullout where you get a good view of the southern part of the park, including Rainbow Point.

Rainbow Point  E 9115'
From here you can see huge amounts of southern Utah.  Also from here you can see the colors of the eroded slopes and 'hoodoos'.  The road ends at Rainbow Point.

We have decided to take Wednesday, Sept. 22nd. off from sightseeing and just rest.  Sort of 'catch' our breath you might say.  We plan to leave this area Thursday morning and hopefully our next stop will be in Williams, AZ so we can see the south rim of the Grand Canyon. 

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