Thursday, September 23, 2010

9/23/2010 (Thur) - From Zion to Williams, AZ (260 miles)

Our agreed departure time from Zion's Mt. Carmel Junction was 9:30am. We left at 8:30am and I have no idea why except it seems once we are up we just naturally start to pack up to leave. We had 260 miles to get to Williams, AZ and we made it by 1:30pm Arizona time. Our journey here was very uneventful in that we were on highway 89 most of the way and then on I-40 for about 30 miles.

Rocks and More Rocks

Typical Navajo Gift Shop

Navajo Round House
We did stop for coffee in Gap. AZ which was a gas station and a Navajo gift shop. The coffee was great and we had bear claws so our snack was excellent also.

This would be Arizona
The scenery certainly has changed. We now have a few mountain ranges but mostly it’s scrub bushes and bare ground. Yup we are in Arizona for sure.

Arizona's Rest Stop
The RV park we are in advertised that they had wifi and cable. Believe it or not it is not working right now. Now do I believe that it ever worked, I’m thinking not. We rarely watch television so that is not an issue but the wifi IS as we both use it a lot. This park was about a third full when we arrived and now it’s almost totally full. They just kept coming in all day but really I think because they accept Passport America that is the real draw. Half price rates.
I was talking to this lady in the grocery store, well actually she talked to me first, as she wanted to know if the coin she had was a dime. I asked her if she was from England as she had the accent and she said yes. Anyway the pound is down, she said their pound was $1.52 in American money. She said the euro was $1.14 American money. That is really low so I think she must have been wrong.  I just checked it and a pound is $1.56 American and a Euro is $1.33 American so she was wrong on both counts.

We went to the Safeway to pick up more groceries and bought a pizza for dinner tonight. We also picked up a lot of other things we needed so we are all set until we get to Mesa.

Tomorrow it’s the Grand Canyon but it is an hours drive from here. We have been packing our lunches but tomorrow we are not doing that. They must have food there someplace as we are tired of sandwiches.

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