Sunday, September 5, 2010

Trouble in Minot, ND

Into every life some rain must fall and we should have been it's rained three of the three days we had to pack up to move on.  Well as expected today it rained but it also rained trouble.   And why trouble falls on a Sunday or a holiday I have no idea but trouble fell on this Sunday.  Big Trouble!
Minot, ND
This morning as normal I was getting the 'pink' jobs finished.   Jim was almost finished with his 'blue' jobs so he got into the truck, and being a diesel, he had to wait until the beeping stopped before he could start it.  Only it did not start.  It turned over it fired just once and then nothing.  He waited for a half hour and tried again only to have the same thing happen.  He waited until noon and still the same thing happened.  It would not start.  It will not start.
Jim's truck for the last two years has had a problem starting if it's cold or if it's hot.  He's had it into the Ford garage four or five times while it was under warranty with the same problem.  When it is there it starts.  They tell him they can not find the problem unless it will not start.  When it cools down from pulling the 5th wheel it would start and if it's not real cold out it would always start so when they had it in the shop it was warm and it started.  Well now here in Minot it will not start at all.  This is a holiday weekend so I am reasonable sure the Ford garage will not be open until Tuesday and who knows when they can get at it.  We called our friends near Glacier National Park and told them of our trouble.  Kay's son had the exact same trouble with his diesel 350 Ford.  She called her son and he told her what the problem was.  The repair center he had his fixed at is 130 miles from us.  If only we could have gotten there before it stopped.  Jim has been on line checking out the problem (now that he knows what it is) and it seems many many 350 Ford trucks had the same issue.   I personally think Ford knew about this but has doing nothing about it. 

So at this point we are here and I am hoping they have not rented out this site as we can not move at all.  Hopefully we can get it repaired by at least Wednesday.  Will see.

We do have a few restaurants close by so we can go there but mostly there is not much around us.  Betty there is a Bingo Hall almost across the street tho and it's open.  Glad we were able to buy groceries yesterday. 

Anyway isn't Sunday supposed to be a day of rest.

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