Sunday, September 19, 2010

9/19/2010 (Sun) - Layton, UT to East Zion, UT (303.2 miles)

Great weather day today as we woke up to a balmy 64 degrees.  I just have to mention that my friend Kay gave me some homemade toffee candy before we left Kalispell.  It was in the shape of a pie but thin and flat with 'chocolate' on top.  That was absolutely the best toffee I've ever eaten and Kay if you are reading this I NEED MORE because I have eaten it all.  Bad thing to do, because now I won't see Kay until January.   You all know I am cooking impaired, so I will just have to wait.   Maybe I can talk Jim into making some....nah he won't. 

We finished listening to a CD book by Michael Connelly called Chasing the Dime while driving.  Great story and believe it or not this is the first CD book I've ever listened to.

The total day was filled with sunshine and beautiful scenery.  We started out on I-15.  We certainly picked the right day to go thru Salt Lake City as it is one large town with more overpasses and underpasses than you can imagine.  As soon as possible we took highway 28 and then onto scenic 89 which we took the rest of the way here.

I did not know this was in Utah

My house/barn shot of the day - Pitiful shot.

Highway 89 is one scenic route

Come on, it looks like a snake, you know it does.

Some of the scenery we passed
 We drove thru the most amazing scenic route you can imagine.  Remember me telling you all about the golden wheat fields. well in the mountains there is something similar to those fields, only these are much lighter in color and taller as it can not be cut by machinery.  Along with this white grass you will find small trees that almost look like stunted umbrella trees.  The white grass goes right up the maybe two foot high trunk of these small trees and the leaves and branches just flow out over the grasses.  Really it does look like an umbrella shading the grass.  Think of a dark green leafy umbrella with a carpet of light golden brown and you will have it.   I know you are thinking I need to get a life.

89 had lots and lots of curves and switchbacks

Just when you think you've seen it all this jumps up

I love those fall colors

We arrived in The East Zion Campground which is part of the Best Western of Zion.  They have a dozen sites and we have one.  It is a full hookup site which means we have everything we need.  We even have 50amp service so I can run the air-conditioner and wash clothes at the same time.  Only bad thing is my cell phone will not work here at all.  We are in a small town called Mt. Carmel Junction and that's about what it is.  They have the Best Western Hotel, 1 RV park, 2 restaurants, 2 gas stations, and three gift shops.  Go figure.  We are twelve miles away from Zion National Park.  Tomorrow we are exploring Zion and if I have my way maybe the next day too.  They have some really short nice hikes I'd like to do.
We walked around the total town and went into a few shops and bought a hiking book so we are all set for tomorrow.  Nice thing about tomorrow is I won't have to take pictures going 65 mph.

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