Thursday, September 9, 2010

From Minot, ND to Malta, MT (356 Miles)

Early this morning Jim decided to see if the truck would really start.....and it did. Now how good is that. In fact Jim said it started the best it has in years.
It's Running and we're on our way
As I was doing my ‘pink’ jobs I heard something and so I listened carefully and our normal day had begun was raining.  Seriously Jim has had to hook up in the rain every single time we have stopped for the night.
It’s raining pretty hard right now but we are moving and that is wonderful in itself. We left the RV park at 7:45am.  Did you ever try to type on a bumpy road - not easy. 

As I said before, we left Minot and will end up at Malta, Montana. Sounds almost as bad as Minot doesn’t it?  We need to stop stopping at those ‘M’ places. The landscape in this part of the country is much different than before. There are small rolling hills that have cattle grazing on them.
I don't know what that red growth is but it's gorgeous to look at
Many of the fields have been cut and once again even in the rain the colors are spectacular. Those black cows with their heads bent munching the grasses just stood out in those golden fields.
Not cows but a corral
We just past acres of sunflower plants and they were totally spent. All those beautiful green leaves are now a rusty brown and the flower heads are a deep brown. It’s as if all life has left them.

We passed a number of oil rigs that are having what I think is oil/gas burn offs. Let's see farming or oil....I'll take oil.  I love those oil pumping rigs

Double your money
We stopped in Williston, ND for coffee and when we came out you guessed it....the truck would not start. We waited for about 15 minutes and it started. Jim is thinking there is more than one issue going on with the truck. From what he has told me there has been issue after issue with this truck. Am I glad we cancelled the Alaskan Cruise? You bet I am!  I would be a wreck worrying if the truck would run or not. Well I still am concerned but now we aren't under pressure to get any place.....and with this truck that is a good thing. I suggested very strongly that Jim check out the lemon law as for the last four years it's been one thing after another.  In Minot they replaced half of the fuel injection control module. (FICM)

Once on our way again it was not long before we were in the land of the 'big sky country.'  Montana
I have no idea what the poles are for but they were like that for about a block long.  This was in the town of Poplar
When people refer to Montana as the big sky country in your mind you picture flat land and miles and miles of deep blue sky with beautiful clouds as far as the eyes can see. Today for us the big sky country was dark black angry clouds so thick you were certain you could reach up and touch them. It has been overcast and raining most of the way to Malta. Even with the weather the way it is the countryside is still gorgeous. The colors are so vibrant and ever changing.
How do they make those rows so straight!
My only barn shot today and it isn't even old and falling down.
On one side of the road you might see mountain ranges while on the other deep valleys so filled with color it almost takes your breath away. When ever a fence appeared where the fields had been harvested there was always a strip by the fence that was a golden champagne color interspersed with a tree now and then or by a carved out water hole that had black dirt with dark green plants in abundance.

Coffee or Tea?
Hummm what's that!
Our truck is still a challenge in that it seems to run well, but if it is turned off while pulling the rig it will not start. We have to wait for it to cool down and then it starts. Very strange issue that did not get resolved in Minot.

As we sit here in Malta tonight the rain is still falling, the clouds are still dark and angry looking, but inside it is cozy warm and we are fine.  Having chili for dinner Jim did not make it, I did.

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