Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sept. 16 - A Day of Shopping

Since today was the last day we will be here, Kay and I decided to spend it shopping and having lunch.  We did just that.  Boy did we shop!  I bought two pairs of jeans, one purse, and a small duffle bag to carry my stuff in when we are on the road.  In fact I have it already packed with my treasures.  We had lunch at a place called Famous Dave's.  The food was great and it is later in the day and I'm still not hungry.  There are Famous Dave's all over the country.
Jim washed the truck today, after the rain stopped.  Let's hope it doesn't start up in the morning.  We have most everything ready to close up before we leave which I am sure will be around 8:30am at the latest. 
We just made arrangements with Kay and Joe to go out for hamburgers at a place called Woody's. After dinner we will be saying our goodbyes until January when we will meet up with them in Florida. Great people.
I did not take even one picture today as it was raining all day.  Tomorrow when we are on the road I should be snapping lots of pics maybe.
ps:  We just got back from hamburgers at Woody's.  Yuck don't go there and tell all your friends not to go there either.  It was terrible.

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