Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 36 - (9-25-12) From Newport,OR to Crescent City, CA

Newport to Crescent City

MaryAnn Here
pics by maryann

Once again we left with a hazy fog in the air as we headed south.  It was almost a repeat of yesterday but with lots more stops.  The Pacific coast is just beautiful but in a wild rugged way.  I could not get over how the waves came crashing into the shore.  The waves came with such force they would just hurdle over making the loudest sounds.  I don't think I would ever want to be in the middle of one of those waves.  I know these pics do not show it but those waves were really noisy coming in.

Some of the areas were calm and inviting
Just south of North Bend, OR we did get the chance to see a lot of seals/sea lions. (??) I mean a lot of them.  When we stopped the car we could hear them before we even opened the door.
The brown color in front of the huge rock is all seals or sea lions.
They were all piled on the rock.
Double click on the pic to see them better.  There are I think two different kinds of seals or they might even have been sea lions, don't know.

We stopped for lunch at one of the golfing capitols of the world, Bandon.  It wasn't long after that when all hell broke loose.  
Three days ago I was sick with what I will call a sinus infection but I was starting to feel better.  Mike this morning said his throat was on fire so in their car Mike was shivering and sleeping most of the day.  Judy said he even had the heat turned on.  I totally understood how he felt.  So all of a sudden it hit me.  I'm calling it food poisoning!  I yell for Jim to pull over along side the road and there I am barfing in the bushes while Mike is still shivering but is no longer sleeping in their car.  Judy and Jim I know are thinking 'get me out of here.'  Isn't long before I'm asking Jim to find a bathroom because the eruption of Mt. St.Helens would be nothing compared to how I felt.  I have to tell you I almost shut southern Oregon down single handed.  If I wasn't having Jim stop at a bathroom I was barfing in a bag.  It was just ugly.  I mean ugly. 
The good news is I feel fine now but wonder if I will ever eat eggs or bacon again.  Mike is feeling a bit better tonight too.
Fortunately the car was saved and we are not going to have to sell it.
Gorgeous Area
Calm spot
Lighthouse way in the distance
As you may have guessed Mike and I did not really do justice to the southern part of the Oregon coast as in my case Jim's total focus was on finding the next bathroom so he could not look much either.  Judy was just smothering from the heat in the car with Mike shivering so she did not see much either.
So we have decided to stay put in Crescent City for the day so Mike can rest up and hopefully will feel well enough to travel tomorrow.  He'll be on meds by then so should be fine.

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