Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 14 - (9-3-12) - Kalispell, MT - Day 1

Kalispell, MT

Mike and Judy Here
pics by Mike and Judy
Not alot happening today so I thought I'd give everyone an idea of how our days go most of the time. After getting up we either go down and eat the continental breakfast the motel puts on or if they don't have one we eat in our rooms. We brought along a small fridge and keep juice, milk, donuts, cereal, etc in it. As we travel along, we can talk back and forth on the radios we brought with us. Works well unless we are more than a mile apart. Also better than a cell since we often don't have service. For lunch, we stop at a picturesque spot and make our lunch out of stuff in the fridge. Usually have a sandwich, pop, chips, carrots, apples, and cookies. We stopped yesterday at a spot on the Yellowstone River as it drops out of the mountains on the way to join the Missouri River in NE Montana.

Talked to two fly fishermen as we ate. They didn't catch much but wished us well on our trip. Saw many, many fishermen wading or floating the river. The Yellowstone is one of America's great trout fishing rivers. We usually pull into a motel about 4pm, unload, have a happy hour and go out to eat. Evening is spent reading and working on the blog.

Got started late today as we only had about 100 miles to go to Kalispell, Mont.

On the way up we drove around Flathead Lake. It was perhaps the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. Blue water, green pines, beautiful mountains, and blue sky. Wow! This is one huge lake.

Drive by pic

The largest natural lake west of the Mississippi River. My parents and grandparents came out here in the 1920's and always told me how beautiful it was and now I know!

Jim and Mary's car
Got to our motel, unloaded and met Joe and Kay Sanders, who live here. Good to see our old friends and neighbors from Gulfview. After some shopping we drove out to their place.

Kay and Joe
Really nice and as we sat out on their patio, we had some visitors.

Mama deer and her two babies

Mama checking out some noise
Joe feeds them every day. Going to be here two more days and have some great stuff planned.

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