Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 12 - (9-1-12) Yellowstone - Day 2

Yellowstone NP

MaryAnn Here
'Just a walkin’ down the street' was what our resident bison was doing this morning. Talk about being surprised! He was about a foot away from our car - I mean a foot from our new car and we even had the windows open.

One big mangy bison

The desk man said he thinks the park pays them to walk the streets and to think
I even looked to see if we had bison scratches when we got home.
Today we decided to do the lower circle which we thought would take the most time and I think even tho it was shorter mileage wise, it still was a wise decision. We made a ton of stops that all seemed to require long treks on the boardwalks. Most of the following pictures were taken near the Norris Geyser Basin.  I must say the park certainly has things done up in a safe fashion.

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone was the most impressive of all the stops we made today. Mike said for him, it by far was more impressive than the Grand Canyon in AZ. The colors for sure were better and I personally think because it was hazy the colors were more outstanding or at least my camera thought so.

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Loved the colors of the Canyon

After our time in the Grand Canyon we stopped at Canyon Village and had our picnic lunch. We are getting really good at packing our lunches. It’s difficult to always be where food is served at noon and let’s face it it’s beyond busy at that time and packed lunches just work better for us.

Jim, MaryAnn, Judy and Mike

A sad reminder of a fire

Jim has been our driver for all the side trips we have been taking and he does such a good job of driving and stopping when we all shout, “Jim stop here or Jim turn here.”

We decided that since Judy failed at the manifold cooking certainly she could fine animals, but alas she was only able to spot a few birds, a chipmunk and of course a few bison. To be honest Judy really did try but there was nothing close enough to see. We did run across a small herd of bison but they would not look at us.

Makes me glad I'm not a bison - they are ugly...

Just before getting back to the Inn we had a bison walking along the side of the road. Those things need a lesson is neatness as they are so messy looking with all those flies in their mangy fur.
We ended our day eating at one of the cafeterias in the lodge. While we were eating we saw lightening and heard thunder and we no sooner got back to the Inn when it started to rain.
The Old Faithful Inn is just beautiful in such a quaint way. The entire inside is made of huge tree logs and huge curved tree branches holding the logs up. I’m not sure how old this Inn is but I would certainly recommend this to anyone who visits Yellowstone. It has three levels to it. The main level, and two levels that have rooms but on each level they have a veranda that overlooks the floor below. We sit out there for our happy hours each day. The only down side to some of the rooms is that you have to share a bathroom down the hall, but they are exceptionally clean and neat. To be able to look out the window and see Old Faithful erupt every 80 minutes certainly outweighs any bathroom issue.

The famous Old Faithful
Very windy day so it spread out quickly

Tomorrow we are doing the upper circle and heading out the north entrance toward Kalispell, MT to see friends, and of course Glacier National Park.

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