Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 13 - (9-2-12) Yellowstone NP to Missoula, MT

Yellowstone NP - Day 3

MaryAnn Here
Honest this will be my last blog for a few days because Mike and Judy will be on board for a couple of them after that.  Today we said our farewells to our friend 'Dan the coffee man' and to the Old Faithful Inn.  We hopped into our cars that, by the way, are packed to the brim.  I have to admit that my tote bag suitcases are really working wonderful.  Highly recommend it as it's easy and you all know I am about easy.

Today we were doing the upper circle of Yellowstone, but after getting as far as Mammoth Hot Springs, we decided to head north to Missoula, MT.  We looked at the half circle we had left, and thought there was not enough to bother with.  So all the pictures today are from the Mammoth Hot Springs and what a fantastic place to visit.  Tons of steps and walkways but heck by now we are in great shape and only huff and puff part of the time. (could that be going up)

Just as we arrived in MHS

Rock formations are as white as they appear

This reminded me of 'White Sands NP'

Town of Mammoth Hot Springs in background

Some clouds some steam

It seems where ever water runs the rocks turn a different color or in many cases many different colors

This is called Mound Terrace

Did I ever mention that I love clouds....and by now steam.  I absolutely love the many different colors from the geysers spewing water onto the ground surface turning it into a beautiful burst of color.  The water appears to be crystal clear.

We were of course on the walkway and a sign said be careful because the water next to the walkway was boiling hot,
and of course some parents let their little children run all over the place.

This entire area was drop dead gorgeous as at the top was a waterfall that ran to the bottom coloring the rocks as it went.  In some spots little pools as blue as the sky were just sitting there.  Just breathless...

Water Fall
If you look close you can see the water coming over the rocks

Our farewell friends were just laying in the grass as we were leaving MHS.  Mike said these were elk.  I'm thinking they were saying, 'boy are we glad to be rid of those people.'

Tomorrow by noon we should be in Kalispell, MT sitting down with friends Joe and Kay.  So Kay if you read this before we get there, you will still have time to lock the doors and run for the woods. 

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