Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 22 - (9-11-12) - Hinton, AL to Kamloops

Hinton, AL to Kamloops, BC

Mike and Judy Here
pics by Mike and Judy
Not much to report today as we drove down out of the Canadian Rockies to Kamloops BC. It rained all yesterday morning but as we looked out our motel window, this is what we saw.

Why are we not surprised! We spent most of the day chasing Jim down out of the mountains. Difficult because of all the trucks and RV’s and very few chances to pass.

The weather was cloudy most of the time but still had some nice views.

We were looking for a place to eat but couldn’t find a thing. Finally Jim pulled up this steep side road that said “HILLTOP CAFÉ”. It looked abandoned but some guy came by and said “we are open” He then went over to this other building and turned on the OPEN sign. We went inside and the wife was cleaning up. She said we are NOT open yet but we can find you something to eat! We left and found a DQ farther down the mountains. Jim missed the turn and had to turn rt and then follow a service rd. around and around. Our poor GPS panicked trying to recalculate.
We finally reached Kamloops and we went grocery shopping. Judy had some Canadian money left and we used it. Poured it all out on the counter and by the time the cashier got done counting it for us, we had 3 dimes left! How good is that!
Tomorrow we cross back into the good old USA and Judy can use her cell phone. Hooray!!!!

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