Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 18 - (9-7-12) - Banff

Banff, BC

Mike and Judy Here
pics by M and J
We all started the day with breakfast in the hall. Left and took two short drives. On the first we drove around the Banff Fairmont Hotel Golf Course and back in the woods.

Cascade Mountain
We scared up a large bull elk as it ran across the road. Are they huge!

Bull Elk
The second was a drive around Tunnel Mountain Rd. We then dropped off Judy at the Lodge and headed for the Bow Valley Parkway. A beautiful drive with majestic views at times.

Canadian Rockies

Castle Mountain
Stopped at the Johnson River Canyon and hiked up the gorge for a half mile to view the falls. Really nice.

Johnson River Canyon 
At times the boardwalk along the canyon was overhanging it because there was no place to put it! We continued on to a great overlook which had Mt. Temple which was massive and steep and the third highest peak in the Canadian Rockies

Mary and Jim in front of really nice cabins
. Also had the Bow River below and the Canadian Pacific Railway Tracks. Missed a train by 3 min. Timing is everything. We started looking for a picnic table in Lake Louise and could not find one!! Unbelievable!

Temple Mountain
Most photographed area 
Drove back to Banff along the Main Parkway Rd. and found one. It was closed! We ended up eating lunch in the hall. Judy was off exploring town (shopping) and wasn’t back so we drove up the switchback rd. to Mt. Norquay Ski Area for great pictures of Banff and the mountains. On the way up, saw eight mountain goats by the rd. They totally ignored us!

Got back and Judy still not back. When she finally showed up we went for a horse carriage ride around town. Fun.

Got back and had happy hour with Jim and Mary in the, you guessed it, the hall. This is getting to be the pattern. Rooms are too small for all of us but a great day

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