Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 17 - (9-6-12) - From Kalispell, MT to Banff

Kalispell, MT to Banff.....

Maryann Here
pics by maryann
This morning we left Kalispell, MT in pouring down rain. How our day at Glacier could have been picture perfect and then have it pouring buckets is beyond me, but rain it did. The drive to the Canadian border was mostly filled with water splashing on our windshield, but occasionally it would stop and we could see those beautiful mowed golden fields with cows munching away. Always in front of us was a layer of fog that hung low around the mountains like a huge long white cloud. Seldom did it lift enough so we could see the peaks.

How low can the fog go...

Real fog.....and clouds
I did notice the trees are starting to turn a little color but not a lot yet. Before I get much farther I want to again thank Joe and Kay for taking us under their wing and showing us just a fabulous time. We are looking forward to seeing them again in Florida.
But there is good news to our day because just as we passed thru customs, Canada welcomed us with sunny blue skies and puffy white clouds.

Driving down Hwy 93 it seemed that the entire way was filled with tall tall green pine trees that were all around the mountains. In a large area however it appeared that a huge fire had taken place or the pine beetle had been at work as mainly the trees going up the mountains were all dead. Nothing but sticks with tiny branches sticking out. My best guess was a fire many years ago.

The entire mountain was like this

We saw many streams running along side the roadway and the color was a beautiful emerald green with the water as clear as can be. I highly recommend taking this highway as it’s just a marvelous drive.

Love those puffy clouds
We only had 300 miles to travel today and it was just such a peaceful drive, well once we arrived on Canadian soil, that the miles just flew by.

Castle Mountain

Rundle Mountain in Banff

Before we knew it we arrived in Banff. What a perfect little village. I say village because it reminds me of a Swiss village. Banff is a must visit place. Actually all of you who have a bucket list of places you want to go to here’s what you need to do. Take all the places you want to visit and arrange them with the highest priority on top. Then on top of that put Banff. That’s how wonderful this place is.
We arrived at our lodging and once settled in Jim and I walked to the bank to get some Canadian currency and then we walked down the streets of Banff. They have all kinds of flower boxes under their windows and it just makes you want to stay there. Shop after shop of places to visit along with lots and lots of outdoor eating places. And always when you look up you will see snow capped mountains.

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