Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 34 - (9-23-12) Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens

Mike Here
pics by Mary and Mike  

Left this morning and drove up to the north side of Mt. Rainier. A very steep drive through thick forests of hemlock, pacific red cedar, and douglas fir.

No guardrails with huge drops. We didn’t like it too well! On the way up there were just a very few glimpses of the peak but when we came out to Sunrise Meadow, there it was!

Mt. Rainier
Mt. Rainier
A beautiful mountain lake on one side and the big mother on the other. What a huge, massive peak. Snow and glaciers everywhere. We were fortunate to see it because it started to cloud over on the way down. We planned to go around to Paradise on the south side but the road was closed so we decided to drive down to Mt. St. Helens instead. On the way up you could see mile after mile of dead and downed trees. A completely bare landscape.
Mt. St. Helens
Destruction from Mt. St. Helens

Got up to the overlook and we could look into the crater from about 5 miles away. What an explosion that must have been. A huge amount of that mountain just blew outward. It must have looked like the end of the world.
We are now just north of the Oregon border tonight and tomorrow we head for the coast.

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