Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 35 - (9-24-12) - Oregon Coast

Oregon Coast to Newport

Maryann Here
pics by maryann

We left Washington behind as we crossed over to Oregon and onto the famous highway 101.  Our plan is to take this road the entire length of Oregon.  Today we got as far at Newport which really is not even half way.  The total length is around 360 miles so you can see that there were many stops along the way as we only drove about 170 miles. 

Us in the city of Seaside, OR
And to think you were all betting on us not making it.
What a gorgeous ride.  From viewing all the mountains we have seen, today was a most welcomed sight. 
Our first sighting - one huge bolders in the ocean

Typical ocean front town 
At times the ocean seemed so calm and then at other times it was totally different.

In this particular area cars were allowed on the beach.
We stood and listened to the pounding surf as it beat it's way to the shore.
This is Judy's new bird she called an eagle.
The waves were enormous in size and in fact there were even surfers out in it.  Not something I would ever try as the ocean looked so angry and turbulent spewing it's white foamy water straight up in the air at times.
Tomorrow we hope to finish traveling along the Oregon coast and end up in California to see the redwood trees.  All is well.

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