Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 21 - (9-10-12) - Hinton, Alberta

Hinton, Alberta

MaryAnn Here
no pics today from Maryann
Today was a day of rest - a well deserved day of rest as we've been going at break neck speed since we left Michigan.  We had planned to take a boat trip but it rained so we decided that since it was in the very low 50's and raining we would just veg for the day.

So we had breakfast downstairs in the motel, came back to our rooms and did not much of anything.  Actually I was tired so I took a nap at 9:30am even tho I had slept all the night before.  We are caught up on our blogging and other things we do via the Internet.  We cleaned out the car, washed the bugs off the front and sorted our trunk out.  When we first left, the trunk was in such good order, well once again it is.  From the time we left until today it went downhill and fast.  But in all honestly I have to tell you my tote bag way of traveling has worked out marvelously.  It's way beyond easy to get what we need for the night, toss it in a tote bag, and that's it.

I've been thinking of all the fantastic places we have been to in the last three weeks and it's beyond description to tell you the feeling you get standing in front of such wonders.  My heart almost would hurt from the beauty of seeing it and at times I was close to tears just standing in the magnificence of it.  To see the badlands changing almost daily from the wind and rain is a sight one does not forget soon.  Visiting Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse and seeing the dedication it took in planning and executing those projects was awe inspiring at the least.  The Grand Tetons with those snowy peaks shooting up to the sky was another place I will never forget.  I can still see those tall raggedy peaks when I close my eyes.   And let's not forget Yellowstone with all those geysers spewing their water coloring the ground in such an amazing array of color is beyond description.  And what can I say about the the glaciers that run from Montana to where we are now near Jasper, Alberta.  Never in my life have I had the pleasure of driving thru such an immense display of mountain ranges.  Around every turn is another beautiful snowy mountain or waterfall.  If you ever have the opportunity to travel Highway 93 from Kalispell, MT to Jasper, Alberta do it.  I think this route is the most magnificent, most beautiful and most inspiring trip a person could take.  The U.S. and Canada are so fortunate to have such beauty right at their doorstep.
We live in such an amazing country and for the most part never take the time to appreciate what our God has give us so freely to enjoy. 

As with every day we gather together around three or four to chat and yes have our happy hour and make the big decision which is where are we having dinner tonight.  As with many happy hours by the time we have made a decision we are almost full from the snacking that takes place.  Life for the four of us really is going well.

Tomorrow we will be leaving heading toward Kamloops which is on our way back to the United States. 

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