Friday, November 26, 2010

11/26/2010 (FRI) Shopping and More Shopping but...

I am not one of those 'black friday' shoppers.  In fact I have all my holiday shopping completed.  It's been a bit since I've last posted as really we have not been doing much.  Same ole same ole.

Thanksgiving here in the park was really nice.  We had in excess of 200 people attending and it went incredibly well.  They had the tables set up in sections of two eight foot tables end to end.  Then one singe table.  Each grouping was like this.  I was in charge of hosting table two.  By that all I had to do was make sure the table was decorated and the food was uncovered when it came time to eat.  I had friends Pam and Joanna helping me so it was really easy. 

Our Table For 16.
Our table, we were told, was the nicest decorated table of all.  It did look very nice and all those sitting at the table thought it looked nice......or is that because they did not have to help...

Food Table
Each couple had to bring a specified dish that would feed 16 people.  The park furnished the turkeys, gravy, and drinks.  We had dressing, cranberries, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, salad, vegetable, rolls/butter, and desserts.  Food was excellent and not one person went away hungry.

Yummy Food...
The really bad thing (or it could be a good thing) is that you never have any leftovers to munch on later in the day.  But really after eating all we did we certainly did not need leftovers.

Friends Mel and Joanna

Friends Bill and Pam
Thursday was also a very special day for our friend Bill because it was his birthday.  Later in the day we all met here to celebrate his 61st. birthday.  Was just a fun time.
Bill And His New Hat

Happy Birthday Bill!!
Poor Bill had to open some of the most unusual gifts that we had purchased from a garage sale.  Cake was excellent and we all had a great time.  Hurry and turn 62 Bill we want another piece of cake.

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