Thursday, November 11, 2010

11/09/2010 (Tue.) - Legends of Country Music

Can you see me smiling....well I am.....we finally and I mean finally received our vouchers from Princess Cruise Line for the trip we cancelled to Alaska.  I knew eventually they would come but I really thought it would have been sooner.  We have them now and not only am I smiling I am almost doing the happy dance.  I love happy mail.   I feel much better with the vouchers in my hands.  We are thinking we will wait until we are actually in Florida before we book another cruise.  The truck still has that issue of not starting when it's warm and we don't want a repeat of what we went thru coming out here. 

So that said, today started off with a trip to the SunLife Country Store to see what they had to offer.  After having gone to two others I found that these craft folks go from one Country Store to another so they had nothing new to offer.  I did however purchase a golf tee shirt which just happened to be on the reduced rack which made me a happy camper.....or should I have said made me a happy golfer.  I now have lots of golf balls and a new tee shirt.  I'll be more than ready when I get to Florida.

Since we are going to New Mexico tomorrow, I spent a good part of the day getting things ready to go.   Well actually it did not take all that long so I did the usual household things too.  I even went outside and cleaned the inside of the truck as it was dusty, not really dirty, just dusty.  That's one of the nice things about AZ, it rains seldom and there is not any dirt to speak of.  Vehicles stay pretty clean.  

Tonight we went to see and hear a performance by 'Legends of Country Music.'  This was one of our free perks for booking here for three months.   I did the math and by booking when we did, taking out all the free activities we were given, I think our stay here is pretty inexpensive.  So onto the Legends of Country Music, well......okay....they were alright.  I don't think I would pay $10.00 to go see them but they were enjoyable.  The male and female lead singers, in my humble opinion, were not the best but the band I thought was great.  They played for an hour and a half and never took a break.  

So once done with that we walked back to our rig and called it night.  Bet you think I lost my camera.  Well I haven't but I am having a problem with my photo program in my computer.  The pics from my camera look great but somehow once they are loaded into that program the color changes and they look not good at all.  Can you hear clinking dollars as I am getting a new photo program....soon.

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