Monday, November 8, 2010

11/08/2010 (Mon) Seven Day Log

Tue. -  11-2
Wed. - 11/3
Thur. - 11/4
We did nothing, I line danced that was it.  Yikes we're getting old.
We did made a decision to leave this Wed. (11/10) to visit the White Sands National Park and also Carlsbad Caverns National Park.  Both are located in New Mexico not all that far from I-10.   We are not sure just how long we will be gone but we are thinking around five days.  We are driving the truck but not taking the 5th wheel.  I even checked to see how much it would cost to rent a car.  Doing the math it is still less expensive to take the fuel eating truck.  I've been on line and these two places really seem like they will be interesting.  I've been told the white sand looks just like snow.  This will be a much better substitute than the actual thing. 
Fri. - 11/5
I helped with the Scentsy booth at a park called Mesa Regal in Mesa. No sales, but big drama about having two Scentsy booths at the same Country Store.  We were told this will be resolved by next Friday.  The manager of the Country Store did tell us our display was really well done.

Around five in the evening (that's evening to us), five of us went to a place called China City for dinner.  What a selection of foods.  Mel, our talked about famous crab leg man, did himself proud eating just a huge pile of crab legs tonight.  Nice night. 
Sat. - 11/6
Four of us went to Scottsdale, AZ to a 100 house yard sale.  The 100 house yard sale was much less and scattered all over the area.  We were disappointed to say the least.  But I did manage to buy a cooler that you plug into the lighter in the truck.  Looks brand new and runs well.  Got a bag of golf balls for almost nothing and that's about it.  We did walk the streets of old Scottsdale and what a neat town.  I want to go back and take my time visiting all the shops.  I'm sure Jim will want to sit on a bench while I do that.  They even had a singing cowboy and he was even riding a horse right down the main street.

I was just whispering to him so he would sing for me.

Did you notice he has his eye on me.

Did I mention I had a fun day!
(Cell Phone camera)
No real camera naturally but what a fun place.  We left at 8am and got back at 3pm.

No sooner had we kicked off our shoes when we got a call that dessert was being offered at the 'Grillin pizza' house.  Would you believe we had 'Grillin Cookies'.  Chocolate chip no less.  That man can do wonders on that grill.  I had never heard of cookies on the grill before but they were ''great''.  We did not even have time to have dinner before dessert, so once home we made dinner.  Now that's my kind of eating.
Sun. - 11/7
Church and Football.
Mon. - 11/8
Brought Line dancing again.  This is the beginner class and you can't imagine how much easier this class is.  There must be around 40 people there now and the pace is much slower which I for one needed.  After line dancing we walked all around the park looking at new and used park models.  This was the day they had open house for all the units.  Some were fantastic while others were not quite so fantastic.  For as large as this park is not many used ones were for sale. 

Tonight was our turn to make dinner for the 'group.'  Jim and I made kabobs, fresh steamed green beans, broasted potatoes, and salad.  We had dessert but we did not make it.  Thanks Mel and Joanna it was wonderful. Tonight we actually wore long pants and sweat shirts.  It was windy and cool out.  Hard to believe what with all the heat that we have been having.  Almost seemed nice.

If I have a chance I might post something Wed. night.  If not I will for sure post next Monday.....and I am bringing my camera and tripod.

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