Saturday, November 20, 2010

11/18/2010 (Thur) - 11/20/2010 - This and That

November 18, 1968 was a very special day in my life, because on that day I became a mom to this little screaming, arm flapping, kicking, red faced little boy.  Well many years have passed since that day, and he's still flapping those arms, kicking those feet, and screaming all the while riding that motorcross bike.  Happy Birthday Don!  I'm proud of you.
Last night our little group took in another play.  This one was called, 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.' 

What a well done performance.  It was a bit hard to understand the Grinch and also the little girl but really it did not matter as by now most people have heard the story.  Every scene was like a Christmas card. I would go again for sure.  It is from a production called Progressive Broadway Across America;  Big League Productions, Inc.  If it ever comes to your town be sure to see it.

Since getting back from our National Park's visit we really have been staying put.  We did wax the big truck and it looks really nice.  All shinny and clean, almost hate to drive it. 

Clean Huh..
Today I went shopping!  Needed to buy a few things at various stores.  At the church we are attending they have taken on 60 children and we signed up to purchase a gift for one of them.  Ours is a little 8 year old girl.  The only requirement is we buy a sweatshirt and then we can buy anything we want so long as it fits into a 14" by 17" bag.  Can't be any larger than that.  So I have all those items ready to put into that bag.

On Saturday Nov. 20th we started to tackle the waxing of the 5th wheel.  We started out on the right side at it gets the sun early thinking we could beat it but the wax we had, left swirl marks on the unit.  So off to the store to get different wax and another buffer.  Now we have two buffers one for Jim and one for me.  We also have more microfiber cloths than any one person needs.  We spent what seemed like forever waxing the left side.  The unit is 37 foot long and on that side it has 3 slides.  Big job but whoo who we have it finished.
Now just three sides left.  The other long side only has one slide so that will be faster and besides we have part of it done.  Maybe tomorrow....or maybe not tomorrow.   The front and the back are easy and small.   The biggest problem I have is that I am short and we only have one ladder so I do what I can reach.  I did get the basement doors cleaned.  That is the part under the 5th wheel you store stuff in.

Today being Sat. I am off to do the yard sales.  Will wax when I get back.  Not to sore at all today.
I'll try to add some pics when I get back but for now this is it.

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