Monday, November 15, 2010

11/14/2010 (Sun) - Chiricahua Monument National Park Part 2

It was late when I finished the first part of Chiricahua so today I'll finish part 2.  Our hike called Echo Canyon was a mass of rock formations that is referred to as the Grotto.  This hike actually took us to the center of those huge formations. We were like ants by comparison.  The neon green lichen made the rocks just stand. 
Neon Green Lichen
Each formation was totally different from the other.  You just stand in awe of what you are seeing.

Many years ago, perhaps 75 years, the CCC came in and constructed the six mile road to Massai Point.  They also forged hiking trails.  They put in rock steps and cleared a path thru terrain that I would not have thought possible.  All the while not disturbing much of the beauty of the area.  You will not see any destruction of any kind on your walks.  People are very aware of not leaving things along the trail. 

The park has a rescue horse they call Boomer.  Boomer is from Knoxville, TN and was purchased for $2,000.00.  During the year 2009 he was used in seven rescues.  From the description of his skills and disposition I got the feeling he is a much loved and respected rescuer.  He is able to transport an injured person easier and faster than humans can.  It only takes Boomer and his rider whereas it would take 5-6 people to accomplish the same task. 

Where ever we looked it was like this

Alligator skin look a like.

No I did not paint that sky in

How plant life can survive here is miraculous.  From the wearing of the formations bits of dirt and dust gather in the cracks and crevices and before long a plant seed lands and life begins. 

We were in and among all these formations.

Some of the formations were sitting on top of others and one had to wonder how long it would be before they lost their footing and would tumble down.

Notice all the cracks and crevices. 

We had to wind our way up and around in this area.

The formations were so tall they tended to block out the sun thus making it difficult to photograph them due to the shadowing.

Imagine turning 360 degrees and seeing this with every turn.

Looks like a good push would topple this formation.

Looking at the formations different images pop into mind. 
To me this looks like a dolphin.
We hated to leave but time was not in our favor as we wanted to get back to Mesa before night came, as it was a three hour drive getting back.  I suggested when we left the park that we take a different route.  I could tell right away Jim would not have taken that route but did it for me.  What a nice drive and there was actually homes and farm land on this route.  And the most important issue was, I still believe it was closer mileage wise.  

So ends our National park viewing season.  Since September of this year we have been to Glacier, Bryce, Zion, Grand Canyon, White Sands, Carlsbad Cavern, and last but not least Chiricahua National Park.   It would be impossible to pick one and say, 'This is my favorite as each one is vastly different than the other.  I think more than anything it is a state of the mind issue when you venture into a park.  To me I like this one better than another, but to someone else it may be a totally different park.  I have been to a number of countries that have amazing sights to see, but in traveling across the United States, I have come to realize, this country is one fantastic place to live.

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