Thursday, November 11, 2010

11/10/2010 (Wed) - Off to White Sands, NM

We’re on the move again. Today without any difficulties we should be in White Sands National Park in New Mexico. The trip is around 457 miles.

We pulled out of our RV Resort at 7:30am and in no time at all we were on highway 60 heading east. This road took us around the south side of Superstition Mountain and to the main town called Globe. Globe is not large by any stretch of the imagination but it is a very typical town for this part of Arizona. Once past Globe we took highway 70 which ran into I-10 which as you know is the main artery from east to west in the U.S.
The route we traveled today was not all that exciting, except when we went thru the scenic route getting to Globe.  That part is drop dead gorgeous. 

The southern route around Superstition Mountain

Arizona's desert

The farther southeast we went in AZ the more desolate it became. Going thru the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation was probably the least attractive. I find it hard to understand how the U.S. could give a tribe such poor land and actually expect them to survive there. Such a poor poor area and the housing is beyond description. They have my sympathy.

Many homes were like this one but also a number were rather nice.

The home looked quite new but notice the size, it's not much larger than the pickup truck. 

I have no idea how the San Carlos Apache Indians survive.  I did not see any land that was suitable for farming.  Nothing!
But I did take notice that not even five miles past the reservation we came upon section after section of cotton. 

White = Cotton

Cotton Pickin' Cotton Cutting/Collector

Cotton Bales waiting to be hauled off.

Did you know cotton is one of Arizona's major crops?  Have you ever thought about the cotton that it takes to make a pair of jeans? Most of us take our jeans for granted along with all those other articles of cotton clothing. But did you know that Arizona farmers produce enough cotton in a year to provide everyone of us in the United States with one pair of jeans?  I'm talking all men, all women, and every child.  Now that's only one item cotton is used for, now think about all the other cotton items.  That's one lot of cotton!!  In fact Arizona is one of the top ten places for the highest producers of cotton.

Finally we were at our destination which was the White Sands National Park.  The White Sands Missile Site is also located within and around this park.  Our plans called for us to tour the White Sands on Thursday, but since we were a bit early we decided to check it out.  I did take a couple of pics but as I said my photo program on my computer really messes things up so I have a few but most of them will be hopefully on Thursday.

Could I really be in Michigan's Wonderland?

The sand was snow white in color

Some of the areas were beautiful

We're on the sand - Where's the beach!
It was chilly today and the sand was very cool on my feet.
Notice the ripple effect in the sand

White Sands plant life

Notice the four gloves and sunglasses.   Dog acted like he wore them all the time.  Could most likely call this one 'spoiled.'

Days End.

We got there a little before the Sunset Nature Hike took place.  The sun actually set at 5:01pm and let me tell you that's exactly when it did.  Hopefully we will learn a bit more about the White Sands tomorrow.

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