Sunday, November 21, 2010

11/21/2010 (Sun) - Orme Dam Victory Days Pow Wow

Today after church we decided to go to the Orme Dam Victory Days which is a celebration that has been taking place for the last 29 years.  This is to celebrate the 29 years since Interior Secretary James Lee Watt announced the decision to not build Orme Dam. The dam would have destroyed the culture and reservation of Yavapai People and its land.  In the early 1970s, Arizona officials and the federal government sought to construct Orme Dam, which would give Phoenix more water, but would flood two-thirds of the 24,000 acre of the Fort McDowell Yavapai Indian Reservation.  To read more about this proposed dam click on this link.

My pic of the day

Today was the pow wow grand final with many of the dancers in full costume.  I can only imagine how expensive those costumes were as they were just gorgeous.  It's always interesting to observe different cultures celebrate.  The celebration was held in one of the largest tents I've ever seen.  It's also a very good thing it was, as it rained most of the time.  I can't remember the last time we've had rain but rain it did today. 
As we were getting closer to Fort McDowell we ran into a lot of traffic only to find that they also had a bicycle race going on. I don’t know how long this race was but it had to be a long way as it seemed like we drove forever and the bicycles were still racing along.  In fact when we left the pow wow three hours later the bicycles were still riding along. 

Once back we all decided to have pizza at our favorite pizza place, which is The Red, White, and Brew.  Jim and I shared a pizza and that was a good plenty for us.

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