Saturday, December 25, 2010

12/25/2010 (Sat) - Christmas Day

I have not dropped off the face of the earth, I've just been busy.  We arrived in Punta Gorda, FL on Tuesday the 21st at which time Jim pulled the 5th wheel in next to the park model.  We had to leave as soon as it was parked because as we turned the corner to get to the park model a friend stuck his head out and said, 'happy hour at four.'  We were parked by 3:45pm and immediately packed our cooler and headed down the street for the happy hour.  Was so nice to see old friends again. 

Once back we took what we absolutely needed for the night out of the 5th wheel and stayed in the park model.  We were just to tired to unload the 5th wheel that night.  It was one long haul coming from Mesa, AZ to Punta Gorda, FL.  I'm thinking it was about 2,300 hundred miles.  Doesn't seem that much saying it but hauling a 37 foot fifth wheel is not the same as driving a car.  The truck did a beautiful job and ran almost better than when it was new. 

So on Wednesday morning we started to unload the 5th wheel.  There is so much more storage room in the 5th wheel.   When we were finished unloading it we had stuff just everywhere in the park model.  We had to pull the 5th wheel out of the spot we had it in.   The park manager was kind enough to let us park it there to unload it.  So by 3:00pm on Wednesday we were hauling it down the street to store it.  It's in a secure storage area for the next four months.  We spent the rest of the day getting things put away or should I say stuffed here and there.  By evening we had had it so we went to visit one of our favorite couples for a bit.  They are what I would refer to as the senior couple in the park and are just a wonderful example of what a loving couple should be like.  Love them.

Thursday Jim and I went to the lumber company to buy some wood because Jim was making a storage compartment under the bed.  Most all 5th wheels have a compartment under the bed that all you have to do is lift the mattress and a piece of plywood and you can get to it.  So that is what Jim built.  He still has to tweak it a bit but it's almost finished.  I want to paint it so will do that hopefully Monday or Tuesday. 

On Friday we did nothing at all.  Took the day off.  We did walk to the clubhouse in the evening for a sing-a-long/cookie event.  It lasted a couple of hours and was nice.  Got to see more people we had not had the opportunity to see before. 

So here it is Christmas Day and we watched my daugher and family open their gifts.  How was that possible when we are in Florida and they are in Michigan.  We skyped them using the computer.  Watching the grand kids open their gifts was almost better than being there.  I can honestly say without a doubt they had one fantastic Christmas.  One of the things my son-in-law did, that I thought was great, was wrap a couple of gifts in a box.  He then put his sons name on the box.  When he opened it the gifts were for his two sisters.  We all burst out laughing.  My granddaugher opened one of her gifts that was in a box and a present was in there for her brother.  Great idea.  My daugher and her husband had this small sand pail filled with ice.  They then gave that pail to my oldest granddaughter (20 years old) and told her that her gift was in the ice and that she had to dig for it.  Know what was in there - Come on - think - If you are thinking hard cold cash you would be right.  She laughted as did all the rest of us.  I'm thinking she thinks her parents are something else.

One of the gifts we gave each of the grand kids was in those small flat rate boxes.  They all got the same thing and had to open it all together.  I had put candy on top of each box and then crunched up one dollar bills and wrapped all of them in tissue paper.  They pulled the tissue paper out and out flew all those crunched up dollar bills.  You should have heard them.  Yup they loved them.  First one to count how much was none other than the 8 year old.  She was a happy little girl.  Dollar bills were falling all over their laps.  Have to think of something different for next year.

We are having a Christmas dinner here in the park at four today so I will end this but I want each of you to know that I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year. 

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